Monday, April 18, 2011

Good Morning...People... Having a good weekend.....
Woke up to 60º degrees this morning.... calling for
a nice day today... No Hummers yet!

Yesterdays Sunrise... Windy...

"Tommy" the pole sitter....
This one is "Baby".. Her and "Tommy"
likes watching Sunrises with Me...

This was a visitor to the feeder yesterday...

Yeah, Right... get out the bed......

They woun't let you in...
Besides their outta Muffins.....

Begging won't do you any good...
Now a few tears.......

Call "Chuck Norris"??

LOOK! Easter Bunnies....
And got eggs too!

You gotta watch "Chuck"
He's bad to the bone....

And here I thought all super Hero's stayed at
The Holiday Inn??
I'll leave on this one...

~~ An old Indian man was asked what his wifes name was.  The old Indian man replied "wife name 3 horse". The other guy says "that is an unusual name for your wife,  what does it mean?"
The old indian man replied "Means nag, nag, nag"

~~ Did you hear, The Obama administration wants a new
simplified tax form that will be idiot proof.
They'll test it out on Joe Biden.

~~ ObamaCare plan to encourage physical fitness....
Higher gas taxes to encourage walking.

~~~ A feminist gets on a bus and is disgusted when a
little old man stands up to give her his seat.
"patronising old fart" she mutters as she pushes him
back down.
At the next stop, another feminist gets on and the old
man gets to his feet again.
"arrogant old fart" she seethes and pushes the man back
The bus stops again, more feminists get on, and once
more the old man attempts to stand up.
"Male chauvanist pig" hisses the feminist as she pushes
him down.
" For gods sake" wails the little old man.
"will you let me get off?"
"I've missed three stops already"

~~ A pharmaceutical truck was robbed today,
all of the Viagra was stolen, the police have asked the
public to be on the lookout for a group of hardened

~~ One of One of Microsoft's finest technicans was
drafted and sent to boot camp.
At the rifle range, he was given some instruction,
a rifle, and bullets.
He fired several shots at the target.
The report came from the target area that all attempts had
completely missed the target.
The technician looked at his rifle, and then at the target.
He looked at the rifle again, and then at the target again.
He put his finger over the end of the rifle barrel and
squeezed the trigger with his other hand.
The end of his finger was blown off, whereupon he yelled
toward the target area, "It's leaving here just fine,
the trouble must be at your end!"

~~ I'm quitting my job as a cowboy.
My schizophrenia has worsened and I think my cattle
are talking about me.
I herd them.

~~ When asked by their host if she would like another
drink, the attractive blonde bowed her head slightly and
said, "No thank you.
My husband limits me to one drink."
"Why is that," the host asked?
Her reply... "Because after one drink I can feel it;
after two drinks ...anyone can!"

~~ The teacher asked little Johnny if he knows his
"Yes," he said. "I do..... My father taught me."
"Good. What comes after three."
"Four," answers the boy.
"What comes after six?"
"Very good," says the teacher.
"Your dad did a good job.
What comes after ten?"
"A Jack."

~~ Jane calls the doctor in a panic.
"Doctor, doctor! My little Jimmy swallowed a dozen
aspirin..... What should I do?"
The doctor asked Jane, "Are you sure it was a dozen?"
The frantic mother says, "Absolutely!
Doctor, I'm scared to death!"
The doctor tells the mother, "Calm down.
Is little Jimmy crying?"
Jane says "No."
"Is he sleeping?" asks the doctor.
"No." says Jimmy's mom.
The doctor goes on with routine questions,
"Is his color funny?"
Again Jane says "No."
"Did Jimmy throw up?" asks the methodical doctor.
"No." says the worried mom.
"But I'm so scared.
All that aspirin...shouldn't I do something?"
To which the doctor says, "Try giving him a headache."

~~ Gus sez: "Never invest your money in anything that
eats or needs painting."

~~ If Cats Wore T-Shirts, Here's What They Would Say . . .
Purrrrfection Cannot Be Improved
If you don't like my attitude, you should see my owner!!
Take my advice...I'm not using it.
I'd like to help you out...Which way did you come in?
Cats know how we feel...They don't care, but they know.
As a house pet, I'm overqualified.
Personally, I don't believe felines are a fad.
We're here to stay.

Todays Thought: Minds are like parachutes.... They only function when they are open.

Rae's Trivia..... The first practical can opener was developed many years after the birth of the metal can.   Early cans were made of iron and weighed more than the food they held.
Ezra Warner of Waterbury, Connecticut patented the first can opener in 1858, but it never left the grocery store.   A clerk had to open each can before it was taken away.   William Lyman of the United States invented the modern can opener, with a cutting wheel that rolls around the rim, in 1870.

1 comment:

  1. Good ones Gus. Weather here warming a little TG. Strange trivia about the can opener, I'm not sure I would want my cans opened in store.
    Rae xx


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