Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Good Morning, Friends and neighbors...Hows everyone this morning?
Gonna be in the 80's today.... t-storms later in the week.....

Mcdonalds breakfast??
My McDonalds don't have this menu....

Got a taste for these, Petewete??

She said...No-No Not for her.....
Wants Tuna....

This guy sez "this I want for breakfast!

Boy!! this guy looks mean.....
No telling what he had for breakfast......

This critter is hiding....

I think your right!
I lot of uglyness here...

"Ugly--I say wouldn't...
Homely maybe.....

She sez; I'm not getting in the Drama....

I'm not going to say anything.....

My beers cold, so now its time to leave.....
See you tomorrow....

~~ President Obama laid out his plan to reduce the $14 trillion national debt.
Unfortunately for Sasha and Malia, it involves selling a lot of Girl Scout cookies.
No chance... Girl Scout cookies are so awesome.   We will eat to many... adding to the obesity problem, which will add to the health care problem, which will add to the money problem....
it's a viscious cycle!!... I tell ya.....

~~ A huge Air France air bus hit a smaller plane on the
runway at JFK.
The collision was so loud it woke up one of the air traffic

~~ 'Hustler' publisher Larry Flynt has written a book
about the sex lives of American Presidents.
The highlights are the chapter on Jefferson,
the chapter on Garfield and the first 125 chapters on

~~ Vice President Joe Biden fell asleep during Obama's
He has now been named an honorary air traffic controller.

~~ Petewete walked up to the ATM machine and saw a
guy with one leg and no arms standing there.
The one legged guy asked Petewete to check his balance,
so he pushed him over!

~~ Woman cleaning fish at sink to angler husband:
"Why can't you be like the rest of the men?
They never catch anything."

~~ While working as a radiological technologist in a
hospital emergency room, I took X-rays of a trauma patient.
I brought the films to our radiologist, who studied the
multiple fractures of the femurs and pelvis.
"What happened to this patient?"
he asked in astonishment. "He fell out of a tree,"
I reported.
The radiologist wanted to know what the patient was
doing up a tree.
"I'm not sure, but his paperwork states he works for
Asplundh Tree Experts."
Gazing intently at the X-rays,
the radiologist blinked and said, "Cross out 'experts.'"

~~ As the ferry neared our landing, my mother, sister and
I got on the boat's elevator to return to our car.
We pressed the button for our deck and the elevator
started down, but when it reached our level,
the doors wouldn't open.
Pressing the "door open" button didn't work, so when my
sister spotted an emergency phone in the corner,
my mother used it.
"Hello... hello! Is anybody there?" she asked nervously.
"Yes," came the reply.
"We're trapped in the elevator, at the bottom level,"
Mom said.
We heard voices over the speakers, calling for electricians.
And then the operator on the phone tried to calm us.
"Take it easy, and stay right where you are."

~~ If you are double parked, avoid parking tickets by
leaving your wipers turned to 'fast wipe' whenever you
leave your car.

~~ My grandfather always said, “Don’t watch your money;
watch your health.”
So one day while I was watching my health,
someone stole my money.
It was my grandfather.

~~ AT&T is getting married to T-Mobile:
There will be no reception afterwards.

~~ If you can't learn to do it well, learn to enjoy doing it

Todays Thought: There are no persons capable of stooping so low as those who desire to rise in the world."
Rae's Trivia.... CBS Evening News, with anchor Walter Cronkite, was network TV’s first 30-minute evening newscast.   It was expanded from its previous 15-minute format beginning with the September 3, 1963, telecast.   At the end of that inaugural 30-minute show, Cronkite first uttered his famous tag line, "And that’s the way it is.’


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