Sunday, April 24, 2011

# 1263

Happy Easter....  Ready for the Easter Parade?
I remember growing up.....we would get up early and be scrubbed clean,
dressed in new clothes... Dad would put on his dress blues uniform...
Mom dressed in a new Easter outfit, with Fancy hat and gloves....
and we would go the church then stroll down main street....
Times have changed.....Bobbie and I was talking about it
yesterday.....The Ladies looked so elegant.....

Yes... Have a great one...and don't forget......

For my Aussie Friends.....

Whooopps how did that get in here? 

Too late Bubba.....

Run, little one.....Run

You an't right, by a long shot...

Yeah...I see....

What? trying to lay some Easter eggs.....

Yep, he's watching us.....

Food groups??
I don't think so!!

You-all have a great holiday
and enjoy the good weather....


~~  One day, Thibodeaux sit down to eat next to
Boudreaux when Boudreaux pull out dis long round plastic
ting out his lunch box.
Thibodeaux say, "Man, Boudreaux, what dat is you got?"
He tell Thiboudeaux, "Dat's someting new dey come out
It what you call a Termis Bottle."
So Thibodeaux ask, "A Termis Bottle, what dat do?"
Boudreaux say, "Man, you put someting hot in it an it
keep it hot.
You put somting cold an it keep it cold."
Thibodeaux reply, "What dey gonna tink of next.
What you got in dat Termis Bottle?"
Boudreaux say, "A cup of gumbo an two Popsicle....

~~  Q: If a Palestinian and a Norwegian get married and
have a baby, what do they name it?
 A: Yassir Ya Betcha.

~~  When young Jose, newly arrived in the United States,
made his first trip to Yankee Stadium, there were no
tickets left for sale.
Touched by his disappointment, a friendly ticket
salesman found him a perch near the American flag.
Later, Jose wrote home enthusiastically about his
"And the Americans, they are so friendly!" he concluded.
"Before the game started, they all stood up and looked
at me and sang, .... 'Jose, can you see?'

~~  Two hillbillies go on a three month fishing trip.
When they return,they find a Taco Bell has been
constructed at the marina.
 One turns to the other and says,"Willya look at that!
The durn Mexicans took over the phone company!"

~~  Ship State Names.....
In the USA it is USS which means "United States Ship".
In England it is HMS which means "Her Majesty's Ship".
In Italy it is AMB which means "Atsa My Boat!"

~~  Two missionaries of the Church of Latter-Day Saints
were walking down the street when they ran into two
Jehovah’s Witnesses coming directly at them from the
opposite direction.
 The elders stopped, and one of the Jehovah’s Witnesses
said, “We don’t move for false witnesses.”
 One of the Mormons said, “We do,”
and they went around them...

~~  I  was driving along and hit a goose and it slid up
over the  roof and broke the window of the state troop
car that was following .
I stopped and went back and the trooper arrested me.
WHY the trooper arrested me?
For flipping him the bird : )

~~  The true spirit of conversation consists more in
revealing the cleverness of others than in showing a great
deal of yourself.

~~  My sky-diver nephew and the pilot of his plane were
driving to a jump zone when they were pulled over by the
state police for speeding.
The officer approached the car and jokingly asked for a
pilot's licence and flight plan.
These were promptly passed over to him.
His face expressed amazement, then amusement.
"I always knew one day I'd get caught with that line,"
and he let them go with a warning.

~~  Our kindergarten class went to the fire station for a
tour and some instruction in fire safety.
The fireman was explaining what to do in case of a fire.
He said, "First, go to the door and feel the door to see if it's
Then he said, "Fall to your knees.
Does anyone know why you ought to fall to our knees?"
One of the little tykes said, "Sure, to start praying to
ask God to get us out of this mess!"

~~  Pete was driving through R-ville and, being hungry,
he stopped ata roadside diner.
Entering, he saw a sign advertising the special:
"Fresh Venison."
So Pete orders the special.
After completingthe meal, he sees the cook standing
behind the counter and says,
"My compliments to the chef.
That was probably the most tender venison I have ever
The cook looks at Pete with a smile and replies,
"Yep, an 18-wheeler will do that, won't it?"

Todays Thought: "A committee is a cul-de-sac down which ideas are
lured and then quietly strangled."

Rae's Trivia.....If one were to unravel the entire human alimentary canal
(esophagus, stomach, large and small intestines),
it would reach the height of a 3-story building.


1 comment:

  1. Easter sure has changed I too remember having my best clothes on to go to Mass everyone made an effort then.
    Rae x


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