Monday, April 25, 2011

Good Morning.... Well, is everyone full of Easter Eggs, yet..?
Nice and warm this morning.... I've got 66º..
Getting more and more Hummers every day...

Looks pretty bad....Bubba..
Corn for Breakfast??

Like I said; Corn for Breakfast??

At least, Krispy Kremes
Will just make you fat.....
But oh so good...

Bad Eggs....

What can I say??

Come on down, so I can kick your butt!!

Don't touch me wif that cold nose!! wanna fight....Huh!

Wow...Feeding the kid??
looks bad....Lady.

Now this what my friend "Pete"
calls Breakfast... Strawberry pie.....

I guess I better leave on that one....


~~  Safety tip: if it's too close to bother to buckle your
seat belt, it's close enough to walk.

~~  The minute a man begins to feel his importance,
his friends begin to doubt it.

~~  During basic army training, a sergeant was telling his
group how a submachine gun sprayed bullets.
He drew a circle on a blackboard and announced that it
had 260 degree.
“But, sergeant, all circles have 360 degrees,” called out
a conscript.
“Don’t be stupid,” the sergeant roared.
“This is a small circle.”

~~  The pastor preached about the beautiful kingdom
of heaven and asked the congregation,
“how many of you would like to go to heaven from here?”
Everybody raised their hands except a little girl sitting just
in front of him.
“Don't you want to go to heaven young miss?” he asked.
“My mother seriously warned me not to go anywhere from
here, but to come back home” replied the little girl.

~~  A wife is reading the morning paper and says:
This article on overpopulation of the world says that
somewhere in the world there is a woman having a baby
every four seconds!
Her husband not to appear uninterested said;
I think they ought to find that woman and stop her!

~~  Q. Why does Dolly Parton have such little feet?
A. Some things don't grow well in the shade.

~~  By the time you find out what makes the world go
around you're too dizzy to care.

~~  One evening president Calvin Coolidge attended a
rather medicore operatic recital at the White House.
"What do you think," a guest whispered to Coolidge,
"of the singer's execution?"
The president's reply? "I'm all for it!"

~~  Teacher: "Len, how old were you on your very last birth
Len: "Seven."
Teacher: "Then how old will you be on your next birthday?"
Len: "Nine."
Teacher: "That's impossible!"
Len: "No, teacher, I'm 8 today!"

~~  'Papa, are you growing taller all the time?'
'No my child. Why do you ask?'
"Cause the top of your head is poking up through your hair.'

~~ "Sure the Pilgrams had a lot to be thankful,
all there in-laws were back in Europe." - Maxine

Todays Thought: Never ask to see a wine list in a place with a mechanical bull.

Rae's Trivia.... While many arachnids rely on webs or trapdoors to catch
the bird-eating spider rushes straight at anything that
This hairy, venomous creature with a leg span that reaches
10 inches can eat grounded birds or small rodents.


1 comment:

  1. WOW Although I like spiders I wouldn't like to meet that one. Beautiful weather over here but forecast to change by the weekend :-(
    Rae x


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