Monday, May 24, 2010

# 945

Good Morning..Friends and readers....

Not a Good Breakfast.......

Beef  ice cream is not ether......

Tuna flavor??

Boy....They are happy.......

Dogs not going to let them in for breakfast....
They'll get even...Dog.

There went their breakfast......

What can I say..?

Time to leave on this pic......


~~ At a sidewalk cafe in Paris, Gus ordered cocktails for his wife

and sister and just some water for himself.
Later he wanted to order another round of drinks.
He signaled the server and said, "The ladies will have another martini,
and I'll have more of the Seine."

~~ You need to be careful when writing comments,"
our principal told the faculty.
He held a report card for a Susan Crabbe.
A colleague had written, "Susan is beginning to come out of her shell."

~~ Man on the phone: I'm sorry Mom, but one of the stipulations of
my new long-distance calling service is that I'm not allowed to talk
about why I'm still single and stuck in a dead end job."

~~ If a man runs after money, he's money-mad; if he keeps it,
he's a capitalist; if he spends it, he's a playboy, if he doesn't try to get it,
he lacks ambition; if he accumulates it after a lifetime of hard work,
people call him a fool who never got anything out of life.

~~ Q: Where does a gardener keep his money?
A: In a savings and lawn!

~~ Two friends went out to dinner.
They were reading through the menu when one friend remarked to the
other that scientists say we are what we eat.
The other friend replied, "I don't know if that's true,
but let's err on the side of caution and order something rich!"

~~ A man looking for a job went to his local Employment Service at
lunchtime only to see a sign on the door saying,

~~ All Americans know how to "play" music, the radio, TV, stereos,
tape recorders.
Presidents are not expected to "play" better music than their
When Grant was president, he confessed he knew two tunes:
"One is Yankee Doodle and the other one ain't."

~~ My wife and I took our two eldest grandkids with us when we went
shopping for a new hot tub.
Dakota, our seven-year old granddaughter, took this shopping task
very seriously.
After looking inside many hot tubs, she said, "Nanny,
I don't think any of these comes with water."

Todays Thought:  Our new faster-than-sound jet planes are wonderful.

You can eat dinner in Rome and get indigestion in New York City.


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