Monday, July 7, 2014



"If everything seems under control, you're not going 
fast enough -- Mario Andretti

When a Jehovah Witness dies, Heaven turns off all 
the lights and pretends no one is home. 

Confucius say... 
"Some drink from the fountain of knowledge, 
you just gargled." 

I don't want buns of steel.  
I want buns of cinnamon. 

Three rules for having good teeth:  
brush and floss twice a day, see your dentist twice
a year, and keep your nose out of other people's 

I was having dinner with Garry Kasporov 
(world chess champion) and there was a checkered 
It took him two hours to pass me the salt. 

If you like to speak in different languages  
while high off marijuana, you're probably 
Rosetta Stoned. 

Christian Mingle: God has hidden a spouse for you 
on our website. 
Pay us $30 and see if you can find them. 

Right now, somewhere in China, someone is wokking 
their dog. 

Somebody left a baby at my front door today, 
and I have no idea what to do with it. 
I just hope it's gone by tomorrow. 

I thought I just had a bad headache but.... 
according to WebMD, I'm a conjoined twin slowly 
dying from jaundice.
