Wednesday, May 21, 2014



I always thought a chickpea was  
when girls go to the bathroom in groups. 

The interviewer examined the job application 
then turned to the prospective employee.
"I see you have put ASAP down for the date you 
are available to start, meaning as soon as possible, 
of course. 
However, I see you've put AMAP down for 
required salary. 
I don't believe I've ever seen that before, 
what does it mean?" 
The applicant replied, "As Much as Possible!" 

For a one-way mission to Mars, we should send 
a  lawyer. 
Not that they offer any special skills, but so 
there'd be one less lawyer. 

These Valtrex commercials are confusing. 
Are herpes a pre-requisite for kayaking and 
rock climbing? 

Waiter: "How did you find your steak, sir,"? 
Young Man: "Quite accidentally, I assure you. 
I moved that piece of lettuce and there it was." 

That last phone call with my wife was so boring, 
I feel like I owe the NSA an apology. 

A very religious man lived right next door to an 
While the religious one prayed day in, day out, 
and was constantly on his knees in communion 
with his Lord, the atheist never even looked 
twice at a church.
However, the atheist's life was good, he had a 
well-paying job and a beautiful wife, and his 
children were healthy and good-natured, 
whereas the pious man's job was strenuous 
and his wages were low, his wife was getting 
fatter every day and his kids wouldn't give him 
the time of the day.
So one day, deep in prayer as usual, he raised 
his eyes towards heaven and asked:
"Oh God, I honour you every day, I ask your 
advice for every problem and confess to you my 
every sin. 
Yet my neighbour, who doesn't even believe in 
you and certainly never prays, seems blessed 
with every happiness, while I go poor and 
suffer many an indignity....... Why is this?"
And a great voice was heard from above:

My wife and I decided not to have kids.
The kids are taking it pretty hard. 

Look, if you need a Heimlich, just ask me nicely... 
enough of this flapping your arms and making 
faces shit. 

I've never literally been tortured but I have 
walked behind old people when I was in a hurry. 

People with an unhealthy obsession over 
frozen waffles are eggomaniacs.....

Definition of Stress: The confusion created when 
one's mind overrides the body's desire to beat or 
choke the living shit out of some asshole who 
desperately needs it.
