Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Good Morning...Everyone...


I use to struggle with weight gain.....
Now it's no problem putting on 10 or 20 pounds.
My doctor says I’m in the first stages of Fossilization.
Free paper wasp nest complete with wasps.
You remove it you can have it.
A guy walks into a bar.
He orders a drink, and after a few, he must visit the john.
He does not want anyone to steal his drink.
So he puts a sign on it. saying: " I SPIT IN THIS BEER,
After a few minutes he returns.
There is another sign next to his beer, saying, SO DID I.
 One congressman to another: 
"The first thing you have to learn as a new
congressman is that a billion is simply a figure of
For every action there is an equal and opposite
government program.
Top Ten Ways To Describe The Current Weather
10.Partly apocalyptic..
9.Mostly sweaty..
8.Fetid with a chance of putrid..
7.Toupee-glue melting..
4.Soupy (but not chilled soups, like Vichyossie or Gazapcho)..
3.Global basting..
2.Mamma Mia, that’s a spicy forecast! ..
1.So shvitzy I could plotz..
My mother-in-law had a pain beneath her right breast.
It turned out to be a trick knee.
went to my doctor yesterday and they found blood in
my alcohol stream.
please send cash.....
Q. How do crazy people go through the forest?
A. They take the psycho path.