Sunday, January 22, 2012

Oh No not again.....


Summer vacation was over and the teacher asked
Little Johnny about his family trip.
"We visited my grandmother in Minneapolis,
 The teacher asked, "Good, can you tell the class
how you spell that?"
Little Johnny thought for a few seconds and said,
"Actually, we went to Ohio."

Gus looked at the menu at the airport restaurant,
and saw that the sandwiches were named for
“I’ll have a ‘jumbo jet,’” he said.
When the order arrived, he was disappointed to
see how small his burger was, but he ate it anyway.
He called his waiter over.
“Was that the ‘jumbo jet?’” he asked.
“Yeah,” the waiter answered.
“Went pretty fast, didn’t it?”

A man driving in Upper Virginia, heading for
North Carolinia, saw a sign that read:
 He still had more than a quarter of a tank left,
but figured he’d better take advantage of this
opportunity to fill-up his tank cheap.
As he was getting his change from the attendant,
he asked, “So, how much is gas in North Carolinia?”
 The man replied, “$1.25.”

Little Johnny and Little Samantha were closely
examining bathroom scales on display at the
department store.
 “Have you ever seen one of these before?”
asked Little Samantha
 “Yeah, my mom has one,” Little Johnny replied
Little Samantha – “What’s it for?”
Little Johnny “It’s a cursing machine, Every time
my mom stands on it she gets really upset,
and curses.”

What did one toilet say to the other toilet?
you look a bit flushed..

He knows nothing; and he thinks he knows everything.
That points clearly to a political career.