Saturday, June 11, 2011

Good Morning, people of the world....
Hot yesterday.... slightly cooler today...
some pop up thunder showers....
over the weekend...

No, Haven't had my coffee yet!!
I'm grumpy until I do....

I'd reather eat my scrambled eggs....
I'm just waiting on my Bacon...
The cook is slow this morning.....

Hey....I feel the same way......

This guy is keeping cool......
but with this heat...won't last long.....

Cats like to sit high and warm.....
Thats were they rest......

I doesn't know... ask Pete.....

Now how do you suppose this happened??
Somebody's gonna be mad....

Are you a Congress person??

I got you on my screen....
so it's not doing any good.....

Well, time to get this load to the house....

~ One day during World War II, Gus was called in to
appear before the draft-board examiner.
"Do you think you can kill?" he was asked.
I don't know about strangers," Gus drily replied,
"but friends, yes."

~~  John went to the library and checked out a book
called HOW TO HUG.
He got home and found out it was volume seven of the

~ After spending several weeks concentrating on vowels,
I reviewed the lessons with my students to determine
how much they had learned.
"Why are vowels so important?" I asked.
After a pause one boy answered,
"So we can play 'Wheel of Fortune'."

~~ Q: Why does New York have so many lawyers and
New Jersey have so many toxic waste dumps?
A: New Jersey got first choice..

~~  Two golden-agers were discussing their husbands
over tea.
"I do wish that my Elmer would stop biting his nails.
He makes me terribly nervous."
 My Billy used to do the same things," the older woman
replied, "but I broke him of that pesky habit."
"I hid his teeth!"

~ During my midnight to 4 a.m. shift at a fast-food
restaurant, I served a customer at our drive-through
Before I could explain that we are locked in after
midnight and so wouldn't be able to deliver his order,
he volunteered to park and wait.
To my relief the next customer was a policeman.
I explained my situation, and he offered to help.
The officer pulled up behind the young man's car,
turned on his PA system and yelled,
"Your burger is ready!"

~ QUESTION: How many politicians does it take to
change a light bulb?
ANSWER: Two... One to assure the public that everything
possible is being done while the other screws it into
a water faucet.

~ I came home one night and my wife was crying.
 I said, "whats wrong?"
She said, "I'm home sick."
I said, "This is your home."
And she said, "Yes, and I'm sick of it!"

~~  Lifeguards should remove some citizens from
beaches for violating the "public ugliness" ordinance.

~~  My friend’s son worked at a fast-food restaurant
when he was in high school.
 One night while he was staffing the drive-thru,
a customer told him that the Intercom wasn’t working
My friend’s son went about filling the order while a
female co-worker fiddled with the intercom.
 She asked, “Is that okay now?”
 “Well, no,” the customer replied.
“Now you sound like a girl.”

~ Dentists have more faith in people than anybody.
It's a miracle that more of them don't get their fingers
bitten off.

~~  I saw a mannequin with red bra and blue panties..
Are they selling clothes for superheros now?

~~   A candidate for city council was doing some
door-to-door campaigning, and things were going pretty
well, he thought, till he came to the house of a
grouchy-looking fellow.
After the candidate’s little speech, the fellow said,
"Vote for you? Why I’d rather vote for the Devil!"
"I understand," said the candidate,
"but in case your friend is not running, may I count on
your support?"

Todays Thought;
"A hero is someone who has given his or her life to
something bigger than oneself." - Joseph Campbell

Rae's Trivia...
The 13th century English scientist and philosopher
Roger Bacon once contended that elderly men could be
rejuvenated in a curious fashion: by inhaling the breath
of young virgins.
It is worth noting that, at a time when men were lucky to
see their 50th birthdays, Bacon lived to be nearly 80
years old.

1 comment:

  1. Great ones Gus. Still cold over here and raining fit to flood.
    Young Virgins eh? LOL
    Rae xx


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