Saturday, April 9, 2011

Good Morning....Friends and neighbors....
We're having a 50º degree Saturday, with rain and fog...
But will warm up Sunday.... Weather keeps changing
every day.....Oh, well...hope yours is Okay.....

Hot Dogs for Breakfast this morning, Petewete??
Think it will be good with my oatmeal??
I don't know??

How long can we last??
Slow spending or we all will go down....

I did not know fox's climb trees??

Doing the jig??'s not the same as "River Dance".

I don't know....what's going on with you??
You got up mighty early.....

He's a better man then me...
I guess the other guy is there to catch him.....

Now....he's a ugly cuss...
looks like someone I know.....

I don't know what's going on...
and I don't wanna..... "Weird"

Okay....I won't argue.....

Now that's "Will power" ENO.....
He never saw a beer he didn't want......

Yeah, good Luck.....

I'd like to own this Buick Now....
Me and "Witchy" would be cruising....

~~ My son-in-law suggested to my daughter that they adopt a third child.
Marcy readily agreed, but with their finances still recovering from the second adoption, she suggested they wait until she won the lottery... When I asked her if she had bought any tickets, Marcy said:
"Oh, no. It's my form of birth control."

~~ "I think the pilot on my last trip was pretty new to his
 I base that on his pre-flight announcement,
'We're going to be taking off in a few... Whoa, here we go!'"

~~ Anyone who's ever ridden in a cab in Washington DC
knows they're some of the world's most brazen drivers.
Oddly enough though, their current accident rate isn't all
that bad.
I asked one of the drivers one day the reason for that.
"Easy," he said. "all the really bad drivers are dead now."

~~ Paul was not the brightest guy around.
Every day, when he walked home from work,
he would get stopped by three nasty men and they would beat
him up and steal his money.
Finally, Paul decided that it would serve his best interest to
walk a different route, but also take some self-defense classes
so this wouldn't happen again.
He joined a karate class and soon was doing very well with it.
One day, on the way home from work,
Paul confidently decided to take his old route home and,
sure enough, there they were.
He walked up to them and the battle ensued.
The next afternoon, Paul went to his karate class with a black
eye, a broken nose and a busted lip.
His instructor was shocked and asked for an explanation.
"Well," explained Paul, "I took my old way home last night
so I could beat up those guys who used to steal my money."
His instructor said, "What happened?"
Paul replied, "They jumped me before I could get my socks
and shoes off!"

~~ To the optimist, the glass is half full.
To the pessimist, the glass is half empty.
To the engineer, the glass is twice as big as it needs to be.

~~ No signer of the Declaration of Independence or of the
Constitution wore a beard or even a moustache.

~~ As an English professor, my father would often write little
notes on student essays.
Often he worked late, and as the hours passed,
his handwriting deteriorated.
One day a student came to him after class with an essay that
had been returned.
"Mr. Wittwer," he said, "I can't make out this comment you
wrote on my paper."
My father took the paper and, after studying it,
sheepishly replied, "It says that you should write more legibly."

~~ One day a guy was walking down the street and saw a
He asked, "Whatcha doin' man"?
The lizard responded, "I'm blendin'".
Later the guy came back and saw that the lizard was still there.
He asked, "Why ya still there"?
The lizard responded, "I'm blendin'".
Even later the guy came back again and saw that the lizard
was STILL there.
He asked the lizard again, "Why are ya still here"?
Suddenly, an eagle swooped down and almost grabbed the
The lizard said to the guy, "Dude I was blendin' and you
almost got me killed"!!!

~~ Patience is something you admire in the driver behind

you and scorn in the one ahead.

~~ My wife works in a Walmart store,
and customers often ask her to direct them to the right
One evening a woman stopped her and asked where
she'd find a scanner to check a price.
She pointed to the automotive section.
"See that tall pole with the red flashing lights?" she said.
"That's where the scanner is."
"Oh, my," the customer replied.
"Don't you have one a little closer to the floor?"

Todays Thought;  Nothing is illegal if one hundred well-placed business men decide to do it. - Andrew Young

Rae's Trivia...Short of 300, the highest recorded bowling score was not 299 it was 2991!
In 1905, a player bowled his last ball in what would otherwise have been a perfect game.
On impact, nine pins were instantly knocked down but a single pin split in half; the top part fell over,
but the bottom remained standing.....

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