Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Good Morning......Friends..
We're having a heat wave....was really warm yesterday...
Got a couple days of warm weather booked.

A nice red sky......

Oreo is watching the sunrise....
I have company every time I take a pic of the sunrise...

Is this what you call..."Bring the Bacon home"??

Checking, to see whats for breakfast.....

Oh, My....I'm glad I'm not riding with her!!
Need a ride, PETE??

Somebody can't wait......

What you had for breakfast??
Is that bacon I smell?

A great phone.....

So thats whats wrong.......

My fav cartoon.....

Well, my rides here....see you later...

~~ One day my 97-year-old father, a resident in a nursing home, had a visitor.
The interim minister of the First United Church introduced
herself. "But you're a woman," Dad exclaimed.
"Yes, I am," replied the visitor.
Dad thought for a moment and then asked,
"Does the congregation know that?"

~~ While at the playground with our children and their
cousins one fresh summer day, my wife, Sue, was
unexpectedly invited by our two-year-old daughter,
Kathy, to join in the play.
How sweet, she thought.
They all went to the slide and Sue was told to go first.
As she was sliding down, she felt a strange sensation.
When she reached the bottom, Kathy called to her cousin,
"Okay, Martin, the slide’s dry now."

~~ You think your high school was tough?
My high school was so tough that when the teacher asked
what comes at the end of a sentence, three guys answered,
"You appeal."

~~ It was visitor's day at the lunatic asylum.
All the inmates were standing in the courtyard and singing
"Ave Maria."
They were singing it beautifully.
But oddly, each of them was holding a red apple in one hand
and tapping it rhythmically with a pencil.
A visitor listened in wonder to the performance and then
approached the conductor.
"I am a retired choir director," he said.
"This is one of the best choirs I have ever heard."
"Yes, I'm very proud of them," said the conductor.
"You should take them on tour," said the visitor,
"what are they called?"
"Surely that's obvious," replied the conductor...
"They're the Moron Tapanapple Choir."

~~ One thing about history, they're making more of it
every day.

~~ The boss was giving a pep talk to the latest recruit to the
office staff.
'I run a tight ship here,' he said.
'I want men who are efficient, conscientious and hard-working.'
'Well, sir,' said the new recruit, 'I think you'll find I always
give of my very best at all times.'
'That's what everyone says when they start,' said the boss.
'But how long will you continue to do your best?'
'I suppose,' said the new man, 'until I've got your job.'

~~ Before he was deployed to Afghanistan, my brother Ken
was lamenting over how many people seemed unaware of the
I had to concede his point when I later mentioned to a
neighbor that he was leaving for Afghanistan.
"Really?" he said."For business or pleasure?"

~~ During my eight-grade sex education class,
no one could answer the question....
"What happens to a young woman during puberty?"
So I rephrased it: "What happens to young women as they
One male student answered: "They start to carry a purse."

~~ During an antiharassment seminar at work, I asked,
"What's the difference between harassement and
good-natured teasing?"
A coworker shouted, "A million dollars."

~~ Last Thanksgiving, my niece came home with her school

project: a beautiful autumnal leaf with the words
"I am thankful for my mommy" printed on it.
Her eyes tearing, my sister said, "This means so much to me."
Her daughter nodded.
"I wanted to put ‘Hannah Montana,' but my teacher wouldn't
let me."

~~ The patient shook his doctor's hand in gratitude and said,
"Since we are the best of friends, I would not want to insult
you by offering payment.
But I would like for you to know that I had mentioned you in
my will."
"That is very kind of you," said the doctor emotionally,
and then added, "Can I see that prescription I just gave you?
I'd like to make a little change."

Todays Thought:  "The true charter of liberty is independence, maintained by force."

1 comment:

  1. Sweet pic of the cat and beautiful sunrise today Gus!!


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