Friday, October 15, 2010

Good Morning, friends and neighbors...
Are you ready for the weekend??
I don't know about you-all but I'm tired of all
the political ads..... most are lies and spinning
of the truth.... The mud is getting deep!!

Help stamp out cancer.......

A nice looking Red Tail Hawk.....
He wouldn't let me get too close....
We have a bunch here because of the farm\next door...

Well, time for the morning shave......

Oh, No..... not that!!

A turtle cat??
Sumthin an't right.......

Drag racing at walmart....??

Yeah, I failed too....
Damn, Pete beat me by a mile.....

Oh, he beat you too......

Oh, no... Not superman.....

Yep, it's me....Gloom,, and doom, Gus....

Time to go... see you later...

~~ In Terminator 2 - Judgement Day, Arnold Schwarzenegger received a salary of $15 million; the 700 words he spoke translates to $21,429.00 per word.
"Hasta la vista, baby" thus cost $85,716.00.

~~ One of the miners was furious when he got out of the
mine yesterday .......
He realised he forgot to clock in at the start of his shift ..

~~ The chance of being born on Leap Day is about 684 out
of a million, or 1 in 1,461.
Less than five million people have their birthday on Leap Year
Day. My friend, Chuck was born on Leap Year Day ...

~~ "The Obama administration announced that they
deported a record 392,000 illegal immigrants in the past year.
Most of those were deported on a Friday.
This way they got to spend a wonderful weekend in Mexico
with their families before returning on Monday."

~~ I believe my little daughter wants a pair of glasses.
I don't know why she does.
Perhaps glasses are now "cool" to have in school?
But though she sees just fine, she still says she needs glasses.
I took her to the eye doctor just to check it out though.
She was asked to read the bottom row of letters on the eye
She said, "All right, I can see the 'O' and the 'P' and the 'T,'
but not the 'N' and the 'Z."

~~ "According to the National Institute of Health,
as people age, their brains respond less strongly to rewards.
They say older people become less excited when they win
Whoever did this study has never seen a bingo game."

~~ Turning 50 some years ago, I took a lot of good-natured
ribbing from family and friends.
So as my wife's 50th birthday approached, I decided to get
in some needling of my own.
I sat her down, looked deep into her eyes, then said I had
never made love to anyone who was over 50 years old.
"Oh, well, I have," she deadpanned.
"It's not that great."

~~ It is not the hand that signs the laws that holds the
destiny of America.
It's the hand that casts the ballot.
( anymore it's the money..)

~~ My father, a minister, was presiding at a wedding where
the father of the bride had already given away four daughters
in marriage and felt confident about his role.
During the rehearsal, Dad asked,
“Who gives this woman away?”
The father smartly stepped forward and proclaimed in a proud
voice, “My mother and I!”

~~ Amy, a city girl, marries a farmer.
One morning, before he goes out to the fields, the farmer says
to her, "The artificial insemination man is coming to
impregnate one of our cows today.
I drove a big nail into the two-by-four over the cow's stall.
You show him where it is."
The farmer leaves, and a while later, the artificial insemination
man arrives.
Amy takes him down the rows of cows until she sees the nail.
She says, "This is the one, right here."
The man says, "How do you know?"
Amy says, "By the nail over its stall."
The man says, "What's the nail for?"
Amy says, "I guess it's to hang your pants on."

~~ I was getting into my car, and this woman says to me,
"Can you give me a lift?
I said, "Sure, you look great, the world's your oyster, go for it!"

Todays Thought: The sky is the daily bread of the eyes.


1 comment:

  1. Nice pic Gus Have those flying around my place too!!


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