Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Good Morning.....Hopefully rain...at least their calling
for 80%... We sure can use it...

The hummers are going at it like crazy...
It's hard to get a good picture as their so fast...


Okay, Okay...
I got the message......

These two are too sleepy to eat, just yet.....

Fat cat has been eating too much......
gotta go on diet.....

Wow! he is happy.......

Open the door, I wanna come in.......

You like that, Huh?

Good photoshop pic.......

He thought it was funny......

This an't funny though......
Time for me to get going......

~~ While I was planning a trip to Nova Scotia a Titanic-related tour caught my eye.
The description: Learn of the Titanic tragedy along with a
guided visit to the Fairview Lawn Cemetery where
121 victims are still buried on a deluxe air-conditioned
motor coach."

~~ For their retirement vacation, my mother and father
decided to drive through Alaska.
Dad, who loves to fish but never had the time, was
especially looking forward to breaking in all the gear
 my brother and I had given him, including the graphite
pole that came in its own leather case.
After driving for a few days, they found a perfect spot
where Mom could read in the shade and Dad could fish.
After he had struggled down the bank with all his gear,
Mom was surprised to see him lugging it back up a few
minutes later.
He had just discovered that what he had packed was his
leather-encased pool cue.

~~ A friend of ours from another city was on her way to
our house when suddenly she realized she had made a
wrong turn.
She stopped and asked a lady for directions.
"Go back down this road through a couple of traffic
lights," she was instructed, "then stop and ask
someone else."

~~ I had purchased a number of perennials at garage sales
one day, and on my way home, I passed a yard sale at a
I stopped and was delighted to find a table with more plants.
The ladies told me the name of each of the ones I selected,
and as I walked back to the car, I reviewed the names.
There was one, however, that I couldn’t remember,
so I ran back.
I left the ladies smiling when they repeated its name:

~~ "Have you ever had a mental block when you're
trying to spell a word?" I asked my husband.
I told him that I had wanted to withdraw $40 that day
from our account, but I couldn't remember if 40 was
spelled "fourty" or "forty."
"What did you do?" he asked.
"I took out $50."

~~ Women will never be as successful as men because
they have no wives to advise them.

~~ I'm a nurse in a coronary-care unit.
One evening a critically ill man was admitted.
Time was of the essence.
As he was wheeled in and placed in bed, the scene
became frenzied.
Nurses rushed to get the patient monitored,
do a fast physical assessment,
obtain pertinent information and prepare equipment.
In the middle of this commotion, one nurse called out,
"Does anyone know the age of this patient?"
Just as I was about to look at his admission sheet to
check, a voice from the bed offered: "I know. I'm 75."

~~ The doctor said he'd have me on my feet in no
time and he was right.
I had to sell my car to pay his bill!

~~ Revenge Is Sweet .........
An older gentleman had an appointment to see the
urologist who shared offices with several other
The waiting room was filled with patients.
As he approached the receptionist's desk,
he noticed that the receptionist was a large unfriendly
 woman who looked like a Sumo wrestler.
He gave her his name.
In a very loud voice, the receptionist said:
All the patients in the waiting room snapped their heads
around to look at the very embarrassed man.
He recovered quickly, and in an equally loud voice replied,
The waiting room erupted in applause!

~~ The pope and several cardinals are having tea at the
One of the cardinals looks out the window and starts
to yell, "pope pope. oh my! pope!!!!"
when the cardnial is finally calm enough to speak
he say, "pope, Jesus Christ is walking up the lawn!
He's coming here, what do we do?"
Very calmly the pope says, "look busy"

~~ Christian Bale was once asked whether he had had
trouble meeting women after his memorable appearance
as Patrick Bateman in Mary Harron's
'American Psycho' (2000).
"No," he replied. "Actually, the first thing that my wife
ever saw of me was a picture from that movie.
I think I was kind of standing naked, covered in blood,
with a chainsaw.
And at that moment she went, 'He's the one!'"

~~ You know what's pretty cool?

When you put on a jacket that you haven't worn in a
long time, and you find a $20 bill in the pocket that you
didn't know was gonna be there; then,
you buy yourself some weed to celebrate.
That happened to me tonight when I borrowed my
 friend's jacket.

Todays Thought: We create our tomorrows by what we dream today.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Love the one about the CCU nurse as I work on cardiac care. Even though the hummers are incredibly fast you still manage to post some great pics of them.
Rae x