Monday, August 16, 2010

Good Morning, friends and neighbors....
Lots Turkeys in the back yard yesterday morning.
Saw them when I went to feed the cats....
There is getting to be too many Hummers...
Damn, I had to fill the feeders five times, yesterday.

Everybody ready for breakfast?
The gourmet cook is on duty.....

These guys are waiting for breakfast......
Got any scrambled worms??

She's waiting too...

He sez; wake me when it's ready.....

These guys dressed up for breakfast......

Happy toes ???

My toes don't look happy.?
Do they......

Me thinks, he thinks he's got a sport car....

Good advice.......

It's not over until the fat lady sings.....
Well, I guess it's over for today.....

~~ Hey!...Pete; What has four legs and one black arm ?    A. A happy Pittbull.

~~ A recent study shows that 97% of all people born
in Arkansas do not know how they got there.

~~ A lawyer dies and goes to Heaven.
“There must be some mistake,” the lawyer argues.
“I’m too young to die.
I’m only fifty five.”
“Fifty five?” says Saint Peter.
“No, according to out calculations, you’re eighty two.”
“How’s you get that?” the lawyer asks.
Answers St. Peter: “We added up your time sheets.”

~~ My wife and I took out life insurance policies on
each other .....  so now it’s just a waiting game.

~~ After a frustrating morning of getting our four children
packed up and off to church, we attempted to get everybody
into the front pew with minimal disruption.
We were sitting down when the pastor mentioned a
scripture that said children were a blessing like a quiver
full of arrows.
"Yeah" my wife replied:
Sometimes I just can't wait to shoot them."

~~ While I was perusing books in the library,
a neighbor came in and declared in front of the
Leprechauns and everybody.......
" I didn't know you could read!!"

~~  A football fan lost a $50 bet on a TV football play.
He lost another $50 on the instant replay.

~~ Our six-year-old daughter was thrilled to attend her
first wedding ceremony.
She intently watched the pastor, the groom and his
three groomsmen take their places up front.
Then I directed her attention to the back of the church to
see the bride make her grand entrance.
Awestruck, she couldn't take her eyes off the bride as she
walked to the altar.
"Dad," she whispered to me, "does she get to take her pick?"

~~ God made rainy days, so gardeners could get the
 housework done.

~~ Sally, suspecting that she had lost an inch or so in
height as she passed middle age, asked her husband to
measure her.
Finding that she was indeed shorter than in her youth,
her husband remarked, "Of course you are.
That's because you married and settled down."

~~ Mrs. Ellis came home from work one evening to
find her three-year- old son lighting up a cigar.
She raced into the kitchen where her husband was making
dinner........ “Hey!” she announced.
“This is terrible! I just caught Matthew lighting a cigar!”
“You put a stop to that right now,” he shouted.
“That kid is altogether too young to be playing with

~~ What do you call a midget psychic on the run from
the law??
a small medium at large.....

~~ Robbie, my nine-year-old grandson, recently asked
his other about puberty.
She explained that it occurs when children's bodies begin
to change.
"Boys," she said, "grow taller and develop muscles.
Their voices deepen, and they start to grow hair, like facial
She paused.
"Do you understand?"
"Yes", he replied.
"I just hope it happens on a Saturday, when I'm not in school."

~~ A forty-year-old Redneck carried a younger redneck
into the doctor's office, deposited him on the examining
table, and said, "See if you can patch him up good.
I shot up his rear end like it was a tail on a possum.
Don't hurt him none, 'cause he's my son-in-law."
The doctor said, "Why would you shoot your son-in-law?"
The redneck said, "He warn't my son-in-law when I shot him."

Todays thought: Praise can be your most valuable asset as long as you don't aim it at yourself.

Note: Anonymous...yes we can link.
I do read all commets, but sometimes
they don't get posted.... ??


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Raining on and off over here I think that's it for our summer (?)
Your blog is a great way for me to unwind after work Thanks Gus. Is that a pic of one of your cats waiting for the hummers?
Rae x