Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Well, Good Morning...Hope everyone is Okay this morning...
It took me twice as long to post this morning, as Mr. Blogger
has been screwing around with the program again.
Pouring down raining this morning.......but we need it.
Going to the opening of the new Walmart this morning....
Maybe I can get a sale? or even a freebe??

A pretty Sunrise.....from the other day......

He's a happy goat....waiting for breakfast......

Feed the goat and stop looking at the naughties....

Thats what they say.....I guess it's true ?

Wake up... It's time for breakfast.......

More sleepy heads......GET UP!!

Cool shirt! Maybe the walmart has one for me??

Oh, Oh- a shoe chewer....

Come out, come out were ever you are.....


No! I don't wanna learn from you... 
just look at you....

Okay, Okay I'm leaving....
I hope the blog turns out Okay....

~~ Can you believe a candidate dropped out of the race because of a lack of campaign funds?
Anyone who stops spending just because he's out of money doesn't belong in Washington anyway!

~~ The human race is faced with a cruel choice:
work or daytime television.

~~ My son and his wife bought a big screen TV just
before the Stanley Cup finals.
My son loved watching the games on the wide screen,
but it was getting late and he needed to be up early so
he went to the bedroom, where there was a much
smaller TV.
When his wife came to bed she found him sitting up
in bed watching the game... with binoculars.

~~ Doctor, I'm having that dream again."
the patient said.
"Oh?" The shrink replies. "Which one?"
"The one where I'm into sadism, necrophilia,
and bestiality.
Should I be worried or am I beating a dead **Horse**?"

~~ “Remember folks: Stop lights timed for 35mph are
also timed for 70mph.”

~~ During a medical assessment before moving into a
retirement home, a nurse asked my parents,
"Do you need hearing aids?"
"Yes," my mother answered.
"But he doesn't like his, never wears it and leaves it at
Then she added, "I always carry mine in my purse."

~~ A cute, good looking secretary came angrily out of
the boss's office.
A colleague asked : "What happened ? "
She replied : "He asked, 'Are you free tonite?'"
I said: "Yes."
...And that stupid man gave me 50 pages to type!

~~ Carrying two dead raccoons, a buzzard tries to check
in at LAX for the red-eye to New York.
"Sorry, sir," says the ticket agent.
"We allow only one item of carrion."

~~ My sister asked an elderly friend of hers,
recently widowed, what she'd do now for transportation
since she didn't know how to drive.
"Oh, I'll learn," she replied.
"It'll be easy for me because I always told my husband
what to do anyway."

~~ Funny isn't it?
You never hear of a man being asked how he combines
marriage with a career.

~~ Although he was a qualified meteorologist,
one unlucky weatherman had a terrible prediction record
and was fired as a result.
When applying for another position and asked the reason
for leaving his previous job, he replied,
"The climate just didn't agree with me."

~~ A team of British engineers have developed a car that
runs on human waste.
I'll bet that new car smell doesn't last very long.

~~ All kids like vegetables,
after the potato has been turned into a chip,
the carrot into a cake,
the cucumber into a pickle,
and the tomato into a pizza sauce.

~~ I've got an Irish boomerang.

When you throw it it doesn't come back, it just
sings songs about how much it'd like to.

Todays Thought:  With proper diet, rest, and exercise a healthy body will last a lifetime.

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