Thursday, August 26, 2010

Good Morning, Friends and neighbors....
Getting back to being hot again......
Thanks friends for your cards.. I had a good b-day....

This Mornings Sunrise.....

Oh, didn't.....There went the hotdog....

No, 3 is enough.....

How about these carrots?
Do let him see them.....^^^

How about a Taco ??

I'm still waiting......

WHAT! you want that carrot?

Give that carrot to this guy so the man can read in peace.

Me thinks he should be eating  carrots and not all them burgers.

Now this is a cool tat......not!

I am going to leave now, before this thing bites me....

~~ Pete's hair kept falling out and he complained to his barber.
"That stuff you gave me," he cried, "is terrible!
You said two bottles of it would make me hair grow,
but nothing's happened."
"I don't understand it," said the barber.
"That's the best hair restorer made."
"Well," said Pete, "I don't mind drinking another bottle,
but it had better work!"

~~ "OLD" IS WHEN - A sexy babe catches your fancy
and your pacemaker opens the garage door.

~~ After his shower, eight-year old Rick came
downstairs and announced that he had washed his
hair and body with the new shampoo I'd bought.
When I asked him why he'd done that, he replied,
"Because the bottle said full body!"

~~ I try not to argue with my wife.
I might win, and then I'd really be in trouble.

~~ Performing a difficult task before breakfast will
spoil your entire day," a doctor declares.
So that's what has been the matter with our days!
We've been getting up before breakfast!

~~ Ten years from now, do you suppose we'll say a
dollar went further in the good old days?

~~ Pete and Gus play golf every Monday.
Pete always wins because Gus is a terrible putter.
One Monday, though, Gus misses none!
He sinks every shot on the green.
Pete can’t believe his eyes.
After the round, Pete asks, “What has happened?
You can’t seem to miss today.”
Gus says, “Order up the beer.
I have to go to the restroom.”
When Gus comes back, the front of his pants are all wet.
Confused, Pete asks, “What happened to your pants?”
“I’ll get to that in a minute.
First, let me tell you about my new and improved game.
I went to the eye doctor last week, and he said that I
needed bifocals.
So when I look down, I see a little ball and a big ball.
I look over and see a little hole and a big hole.
I put the little ball in the big hole, and I can’t miss.”
“But what about your pants?”
“I looked down and saw a little one and a big one.
Figured the little one couldn’t be mine, so I put it away.”

~~ While we were working at a men's clothing store,
a customer asked my co-worker to help her pick out a
tie that would make her husband's blue eyes stand out.
"Ma'am," he explained, "any tie will make blue eyes
stand out if you tie it tight enough."

~~ His wife was in full flow: "Cricket, criket, cricket,
that's all you think about.
What about us?
I bet you couldn't even tell me what day we were married!"
"Yes I could," replied the husband.
"It was the day Botham scored 147 against the Australians!"

~~ When I worked in the school library, a very confused
student asked me for help.
"The computer just started typing in Latin.
I can't understand it," he said.
It turns out he was typing in italics.


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