Friday, August 27, 2010

Good Morning, everyone....
Another hot one today........

"Witchy", Flo sez for us to "kiss her grits"

I would rather have them GRITS then eat at Joel's place....
They say his burgers are questionable.....

So that's were my ball went......

Oh My, I won't mess with you.....
You even look mean.....

Yep, Monday's are bad...
Wish I could hide from them...

What can I say??

"Witchy", I like this look...Think I can do this also??

That's all Eno knows, maybe his dog.......
Okay, Okay... we get the message!!!

Time for me to leave, Gotta catch up with the dog....
He's full out....


~~ I'm determined to stay out of debt even if I have to
borrow money to do so.

~~ When my father ran out of gas, he called my mother
to pick him up in her car.
They went to a gas station, filled a gas can, and returned
to his car.
After a few minutes, he got into her car again.
"We need to go back to the gas station," he said.
"One gallon wasn't enough" she asked.
"It would have been if I'd put it in the right car."

~~ Pete's crazy about cowboy films.
He's the only man I know with spurs on his slippers.
Last night he spent three hours in front of the mirror
trying to beat himself to the draw.

~~ Hexakosioihexekontahexaphobia is a Greek word
literally meaning fear of the number six hundred sixty-six.
Hexakosioihexekontahexaphobes will strongly avoid things
related to the number 666.
A prominent example is Nancy and Ronald Reagan who,
in 1989, when moving to their home in the Bel-Air section
of Los Angeles, had the address of 666 St. Cloud Road
changed to 668 St. Cloud Road.

~~ The two biggest sellers in any bookstore are the
cookbooks and the diet books.
The cookbooks tell you how to prepare the food and the
diet books tell you how not to eat any of it. - Andy Rooney -

~~ A college graduate applied for a job as an industrial spy.
Together with several other applicants, he was given a
sealed envelope and told to take it to the fourth floor.
As soon as the young man was alone, he stepped into an
empty hallway and opened the packet.
Inside, a message read: "You're our kind of person.
Report to the fifth floor."

~~ We were doing a science lesson on how plants grow.
The children all got a chance to plant their own seeds.
After a few days of watching the seedlings,
I secretly exchanged a few seeds for the children whose
plants did not sprout.
Several days later one of my students said:
"Look Mrs. Gilligan, it's a miracle, my plant is growing".
I said: "Yes, seeds sprouting is very exciting".
He said: "No Mrs. Gilligan, that's not the miracle,
I ATE the SEED and it is growing anyway!"

~~ As an insurance broker, I sometimes have to call
people who have missed paying their monthly premiums.
One day I called a customer and told him his insurance-
premium cheque had bounced due to lack of funds.
"So," he said, "who didn't have money? Me or the bank?"

~~ A Polar Bear goes into a bar and says,
" Can I have a gin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . and . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . tonic please?"
The barman serves him and says, "Why the large pause?"
Polar Bear says, "Don't know, I've always had them!"

~~ Andrew said; The best part of going back to school is
seeing all your friends.
The worst part is that your teachers won't let you talk to them.

Todays Thought:  "A weak man has doubts before a decision, a strong man has them afterwards."


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

so Gus u snuck that one by me!!!Lol