Saturday, August 21, 2010

Good morning Friends and neighbors....Ready for a good weekend....
Nothing going on here....same old-same old..

Still trying to get that one great picture of the Hummers...
Taking them with a hand held point and shoot
camera is hard..... but I have pretty good luck...

She's trying that flight maneuver...

He sez; he can't get off the ground....??

He tried, and just look what he got....
I bet he won't try that again.....
Now he's gotta clean his pants.....

He tried and look were he landed....

This man is a better man then me......
I hope that cat isn't hungry.....
Or want to play....?

Oh, no, they got the "Grinch"
They aren't gonna let him fly....

These two wimps just want to have a tea party....

You will just have to find another place to wash up...
This is her bed.......Sorry, bout that !!

Oh, no... the dreaded  traffic monster......

Okay, Okay, I'm going.......

~~ Why not move the political conventions to one of the winter months so all that hot air won't go to waste?

~~ Q: What happened when the cow jumped over the
barbed wire fence?
A: It was an udder catastrophe!

~~ According to a new survey of all the social-networking
sites, Twitter had the highest percentage of older users.
In fairness, most of them just kept creating new accounts
because they forgot their passwords."

~~ The boss was leaving on vacation, and his secretary
requested a phone number where he could be reached.
After he had left she found a note from him with a
number to call in case there was a problem.
She dialed the number, which turned out to be
Dial-A- Prayer.

~~ World Laughter Day takes place on the first Sunday
in May.
The first celebration was on January 11, 1998, in Mumbai,
India, and was arranged by Dr. Madan Kataria, founder
of the worldwide Laughter Yoga movement.
The celebration of World Laughter Day was meant to be
a positive manifestation for world peace and to build up
a global consciousness of brotherhood and friendship
 through laughter and run-on sentences.
 Its popularity has grown exponentially with that of the
Laughter Yoga movement
(which is now counting over 6000 Laughter Clubs
worldwide on all 5 continents).
Laughter Yoga says: "Laughter is a positive and
powerful emotion that has all the ingredients required
for individuals to master themselves and to chang
 the world in a tubular way."

~~ President and Mrs. Benjamin Harrison were so
intimidated by the newfangled electricity installed
in the White House they didn't dare touch the
If there were no servants around to turn off the light
when the Harrisons went to bed, they slept with them on.

~~ Doctor, I can't stop stealing things.
Take these tablets for two weeks.
If that doesn't work, get me a color television.

~~ A refrigerator repair man walks into a bar and
orders a Miller Lite.
He takes a drink and says this beer is warm is your
refrigerator still running?
The bar tender says yes it is.
And the refrigerator repair man says
"then you better catch it"

~~ Pete, a question...
Why do Japanese Sumo wrestlers shave their legs?
Answer: So you can tell them apart from feminists.

~~ My doctor told me to stay away from Beer.
So I bought a fifteen-foot straw.

~~ Dad to teenage son: "When I was your age.
I would have felt lucky to use the family car whether
 I agreed with the bumper sticker or not."

~~ Three little boys were sitting on the porch,

when one little boy says,
"My Daddy smokes, and he can blow smoke rings."
The second little boy pipes up,
"Well, my Dad smokes, too, and can blow smoke out
of his eyes."
The third little boy, not to be outdone responds,
"My Dad can blow smoke out of his butt."
"Really, have you seen it?" reply the boys.
The third boy responds,
"No, but I've seen the tobacco stains on his underwear.''

Todays Thought:  "My childhood may be over, but that doesn't mean playtime is.


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