Wednesday, August 11, 2010

# 1,021

Well, it was 99º yesterday.....Today, about the same...
Maybe some showers.... Things drying up....
Hope it's better were you are..... Any way...Good Morning.

Got a couple new pictures of the hummers....
They have went through the sugar water.
working on the 20th pound....

I like hummers, and I know other people like other critters...
But a GATER....I don't know...

Lady...I think your tub is too small
He's a biggen.....

I forgot a hug in an e-mail yesterday....
Anyway here it is......

Yes! get all excited !! play time!

Watch Cat??

How do I know?

Just what I need...a shave.....

Another one that needs a shave.....
Looks foolish...

Superman... were are you??

Well, got the baby in the bucket...
Now we can go....

~~ I called a temp agency looking for work, and they asked if I had any phone skills.
I said, "I called you, didn't I?"

~~ Scene: A gas station in Canada......
Customer: Excuse me. Why won't my debit card work on the pump?
Owner: Are you using an American card?
Customer: Yes.
Owner: American cards don't work at the pump.
Customer: You should put up a sign.
Owner: We did, above the card slot.
Customer: Oh. Well, I don't read Canadian.

~~ My mother has tried her hand at several careers,
some even concurrently.
Imagine the surprise of both a hospital patient and my mom
when the patient awoke after surgery and, upon seeing who
her nurse's aide was, yelled, "What are you doing?
You're the woman who helped me pick out interior paint colors!"

~~ I overheard the receptionist admit to another customer,
"I haven't taken my vitamins today.......
I'm walking around unprotected."
The customer commiserated with her, but then added,
"I haven't taken my Prozac today...
everyone's walking around unprotected."

~~ I'm learning to speak Spanish by calling my bank and
pressing the #2 button

~~ A friend was visiting me one clear and starry night.
Gerald, a city dweller with only the vaguest knowledge of
astronomy, admired the Milky Way when I pointed it out.
The next day, with our other friends, we were talking how lucky
I am to live in the country.
"And you know what's really incredible?" said Gerald.
"The Milky Way passes right above his yard!"

~~ One day I called my mother from my apartment to make
some plans with her.
In the background behind her, I could hear a terrible noise,
like a jet plane taking off.
"Mother," I asked apprehensively, "what's that awful noise?"
"It's the dishwasher," she replied.......
"Your father 'fixed it.'

~~ I was delivering pizzas when I fell hard onto the sidewalk.
Seeing me sprawled on the ground, my concerned customer
yelled, "Oh, no! The pizzas!"

~~ The tired doctor was awakened by a phone call in the
middle of the night. "Please, you have to come right over,"
pleaded the distraught young mother.
"My child has swallowed a contraceptive."
The physician dressed quickly; but before he could get
out the door, the phone rang again.
"You don't have to come over after all,"
the woman said with a sigh of relief.
"My husband just found another one."

~~ Gus sez: you know along time ago being crazy meant
something,nowadays everybody"s crazy.......

~~ Two psychic healers meet in the street
"You're fine - how am I?"

~~Paul got off the elevator on the 40th floor and nervously
knocked on his blind date's door.
She opened it and was as beautiful and charming as everyone
had said.
"I'll be ready in a few minutes," she said.
"Why don't you play with Rollo while you're waiting?"
He does wonderful tricks.
He rolls over, shakes hands, sits up and if you make a
hoop with your arms, he'll jump through."
The dog followed Paul onto the balcony and started rolling
Paul made a hoop with his arms and Rollo jumped through
-- and over the balcony railing.
Just then Paul's date walked out.
"Isn't Rollo the cutest, happiest dog you've ever seen?"
"To tell the truth, " he replied,
"Rollo seemed a little depressed to me!"

~~ What are the four main food groups?
Canned, Frozen, Instant, and Lite.

Todays thought:  DIGITAL WISDOM: Affirm brain on-line before opening



1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Big hugs back