Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Good Morning, Friends and other readers.....
Well another great wise!

These people laying here have a great view!
I took this in the church parking lot 3 doors down,
from Hummingbird lane....

Watch him, Bubba....he knows jujitsu.....

I don't know...this one scares me......

Granny scares me too, with that 350 mag......
Put the gun down, and back away!! PLEASE.....

I take it, he's not bothered by it.....

What's with this guy??
Hey, Okay??

Now she's scared of the little critter....
Smack the hand behind it!

Bubba, you just wait till the dog see's you in his bed....

I don't know their thoughts??

How about..."ENO" the man.....
See I love this Toon....

~~ Golf balls are like eggs.
They're white, they're sold by the dozen, and every week you
have to buy more.

~~ Before setting off on a business trip to R-ville,
I called the hotel where I'd be staying to see if they had a gym.
The hotel operator's sigh had a tinge of exasperation in it.
"We have over 300 guests at this facility," she said.
"Does this 'Gym' have a last name?"

~~ When you're with your honey,
and her nose is runny,
you may think it's funny...
...but it's not!

~~ Before takeoff, an elderly lady passenger said to the pilot:
"I've never flown before, and I'm very nervous.
You will bring me down safely, won't you?"
"All I can say, ma'am," replied the pilot,
"is that I've never left anyone up there yet!"

~~ I was sound asleep when the loud ring of the telephone jarred
me awake.
"Hi" It was my peppy mother-in-law.
She proceeded to rattle on about the busy day she had ahead
and all the things that awaited her the rest of the week.
"Mom," I interrupted. "It's five in the morning."
"Really?" she said...... "What are you doing up so early?"

~~ I didn't believe my wife when she said she had lost one of her
fingernails while making dessert.
I guess the proof will be in the pudding.

~~ A famous Viking explorer returned home from a voyage and
found his name missing from the town register.
His wife insisted on complaining to the local civic official who
apologized profusely saying,.............
"I must have taken Leif off my census."

~~ I was meeting a friend in a bar and as I went in,
I noticed two pretty girls looking at me.
"Nine," I heard one whisper as I passed.
Feeling pleased with myself, I swaggered over to my buddy
and told him a girl had just rated me a nine out of ten.
"I don't want to ruin it for you," he said, "but when I walked in,
they were speaking German."

~~ Two asparagus are walking down the road when one is hit by
a car.
The other goes in the ambulance with his friend, sits in the
emergency room, waits for some news.
A doctor comes to him. "I have good news and bad news.
The good news - he'll make a full recovery.
The bad news - he'll be a vegetable for life."

~~ Teacher: "Sarah, what was the first thing James the First
did on coming to the throne?"
Sarah: "He sat down, miss."

Todays Thought:  Plant a tree,the great spirit keeps putting children here,....
 BUT! not earth. - Native Americans.. (Crow)



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