Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Good Morning, Readers....
Have a good Memorial weekend??

On the road again...... on our road.....

Great fountain.......

I am too......Oh well.......

Mean twins.........

Cute twins.......

Get outta my drink.......

What!!....your not amused?
I thought it was funny......

He's having fun!!!

Well, he's had a rough week end..... but he's not bar-b-qued...

Well, I'll be outta here, soon as I back down.....

~~ Pete was telling Gus that he had been fired from his factory job.

"Why did the foreman fire you?" asked Gus .
"Oh," said Pete, "you know what foremen are like.
They stand around with their hands in their pockets all day,
watching other people do the work."
"We all know that," replied Gus, "but why did he let you go?"
"Jealousy," said Pete.
"All the other workers thought I was the foreman."

~~ A Virginian was standing admiring the beauty of Niagara Falls
when a New Yorker standing next to him said:
"I bet you don't have anything like this in Virginia."
"No" said Gus, "but we've got plumbers who could fix it!"

~~ Although they were being married in New Hampshire,
a couple wanted to add a touch of their home state, Kansas,
to the wedding, so they planned to have wheat rather than rice thrown
after the ceremony.
Some friends remarked, "It's a good thing they're not from Idaho!"

~~ STUPID WARNING LABEL: On a bottle of flavored milk drink;
After opening, keep upright.

~~ As a diehard Maple Leafs fan, my eight-year-old son Alex,
jumped at the opportunity to meet legendary Toronto Goalie
Johnny Bower.
Just before we were to head out, Alex's mother reminded him to take
his wallet, since there's often a charge for autographs.
When we arrived at the event, we approached Bower.
He offered his hand to Alex and said, "Hello, young fellow, give me five."
So Alex promptly hauled out his Maple Leafs wallet and took out a $5 bill.

~~ Q: What's detail?
A: De end of de dog.

~~ The past week has been a dreary one in R-ville.
Most days found us looking out the window at cloudy skies and often
the spring rains fell.
Occasionally the sun would peek out in the evening to give our day a
bit of brightness.
Come Friday, everyone was excited to once again see the sunshine,
even if the temperatures were cool and the wind was blowing.
As one of the classic R-ville jokes goes,
“If you don’t like the weather here, just wait a day and it will change!”

~~ My husband, Larry, and I were looking after our three-year-old
granddaughter, Kathie, over the winter holidays.
"Can I have a cookie?" Kathie asked Larry.
"Ask nicely" he replied.
"Can I may I have a cookie, please?" she asked.
Smiling, Larry began to explain how can and may were not both required,
then asked her to try it again.
"Can I may I have a cookie, please?"
Larry again tried to explain grammar to her in spite of my signals not to
She heard him out politely, then turned to me and asked,
"Is he going to get me that cookie or what?"

Todays Thought:  Years may wrinkle the skin but to give up enthusiasm wrinkles the soul.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I find those fountains fascinating even though I know how they work. What's with the rooster? Poor thing looks as though he was destined for that BBQ LOL
Rae x