Friday, March 26, 2010

A good Rainy day.....Gonna get cold tonight.....
I hope everyone has a good Morning....

A picture from on the mountain....


I don't know what they have been smoking.....

Do that when he's hungry.........

Their getting, bubba, run....

Getting Breakfeast......

Is he Dancing? or is the flea's getting to him?

Is he gonna bring you Easter Eggs?

Well, get on my bike...time to leave.......


~~ One day the zoo-keeper noticed that the orangutan was reading

two books - the Bible and Darwin's Origin of Species.
In surprise he asked the ape, "Why are you reading both those books"?
"Well," said the orang-utang, "I just wanted to know if I was my brother's
keeper or my keeper's brother."

~~ Beware of politicians who claim they'll bring you pie in the sky,
for they're going to use your dough.

~~ Pete walked with his dog every day all through the village,
so everyone knew both Pete and his dog.
One day Pete is on his walk without the dog.
Gus sees Pete and asks, "Where is your dog?"
Pete answers, "I had to have him put down."
"Was he mad", asks Gus."
"He wasn't too pleased," says Pete.

~~ Then there was the moron who had trouble filling out a job
application form.
Where it said, "Married," she wrote "twice";
where it said, "Children," she wrote, "No, both were men."

~~ Concerned about his heavy drinking, Gus went to see a psychiatrist
who told him: "You use alcohol as a crutch."
Gus replied: "So how come I fall over when I'm drunk?"

~~ When my younger sister turned 16, she was eager to get her driver's
I helped her prepare for the written exam by quizzing her with questions
from the learner's manual.
"What color are the flashing lights on a school bus?" I asked.
"How would I know?" she shot back.
"I don't have my licence, so I'm always on the bus."

~~ We were sitting around the dinner table, talking with our children,
grandchildren and great-grandchildren,
when the discussion got around to the names of different generations.
For example, there are the baby boomers, Generations X and Y, and
the New Millennium generations.
As I am 85, wear a hearing aid and eyeglasses, and use a cane to get
around, I suggested that my generation should be called
the Degeneration.

~~ My friend told me this story.....
As a schoolteacher expecting my first child, I had attended
natural-childbirth classes.
One of my classmates was in the hospital in labour at the same time
I was.
She quickly requested drugs to ease her pain, while I gave birth aided
only by my husband's coaching.
When the nurses rolled me out of the delivery room,
I spotted a chalkboard.
Beside my classmate's name was an A-; next to mine was a B+.
"Alan, look at that!" I complained to my husband.
"She took all the drugs they'd give her and made an A-!
I did it naturally and only got a B!"
My patient husband rolled his eyes.
"Kathy," he said, "that's your blood type."

~~ A country preacher was walking the backroads near his church.
He became thirsty so decided to stop at a little cottage and ask for
something to drink.
The lady of the house invited him in and in addition to something to drink,
she served him a bowl of soup by the fire.
There was a small pig running around the kitchen.
The pig was constantly running up to the visitor and giving him a great
deal of attention.
The visiting pastor commented that he had never seen a pig this friendly.
The housewife replied: "Ah, he's not that friendly.
That's his bowl you're using."

~~ A Scots boy came home from school and told his mother he had
been given a part in the school play.
“Wonderful,” says the mother, “What part is it?”
The boy says “I play the part of the Scottish husband!”
The mother scowls and says:
“Go back and tell your teacher you want a speaking part.”

Todays Thought: 
Whatever you may look like, marry a man your own age,

as your beauty fades, so will his eyesight.



Anonymous said...

Is the mountain by you Gus Fabulous veiw.
Rae x

Anonymous said...

nice pic Gus looks like spring has come Here too all the trees are ready to burst .carol