Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Good Morning ...Friends.... We're gonna be in the 70º today.....
But.....In the 40's for the next 4 days.....Oh, and Rain!.....

The black-browed albatrosses......

Just napping........


What a big puppet..........wow......thats cool....

Will make some nice jack-o-lantern..

That's gonna leave a mark............Oh, and not good for the car.....

This is my new yard sign.

It beats the heck out of those worthless Brinks Security or ADT alarm signs.

Coffe and a biscuits....(cookies)....

Cool wedding cake......they spend lots time on it.....
~~ The highly competitive running back went to the team medic.

"You have a flu," said the doctor as he looked down at the
thermometer, "and unless this fever goes down, you won't be
playing Sunday."
"How high is it?" the athlete inquired.
"Just over a hundred degrees."
The running back considered this, then said,
"What's the team record?"

~~ A woman had gained a few pounds.
It was most noticeable to her when she squeezed into a pair
of her old blue jeans.
Wondering if the added weight was noticeable to everyone else,
she asked her husband,
"Honey, do these jeans make me look like the side of the house?"
"No, dear, not at all," he replied, "Our house isn't blue."
He is almost over the cold he caught sleeping in the garage
for 3 nights.

~~ It's important to have a twinkle in your wrinkle.

~~ The contest was simple: Which department in the hospital
could create the best Christmas decorations?
While they didn't win first prize, the members of the proctology
department did receive high honors with their distinctive sign,
"Christmas is a good time to look up old friends."

~~ IBM's motto is "Think".
Apple later made their motto "Think different".

~~ Educational television should be absolutely forbidden.
It can only lead to unreasonable expectations and
disappointment when your child discovers that the letters of
the alphabet do not leap up out of books and dance around
the room with royal-blue chickens.

~~ I was watching a British detective story on TV.
The local group was gathering in their hunting best for a fox hunt.
In the opening scene my nine-year-old daughter wanted to know
what the people were doing, noticing the formal hunting outfits
and well groomed horses.
I replied that they were looking for a fox.
There was a short stunned silence and then she asked:
"Is it a very important fox?"

~~ My local hardware store puts its customers in their place
before they even enter. The sign on the door reads:
"Shoes required, because you might hurt yourself.
Shirts required, because you're not as good-looking as you think."

~~Following a campaign speech, a young man rushed up to the
speaker and said, "Senator, I wouldn't vote for you if you were
Saint Peter."
The senator eyed him a moment, then said, "Son, if I were
Saint Peter, you couldn't vote for me, because you wouldn't
be in my district."

~~ Q: When is the best time to go to the dentist?
A. Tooth-hurty.

~~ Looking at a register receipt, a customer grumbled.
"The two sneakiest words in the English language, without
exception, must be 'plus tax'"

~~ When I bought my new Corvette, my two sons asked me
who would inherit it if I met my demise.
I pondered the question, then told them if I passed away on
an even day, the son born on an even day would get it.
If it happened on an odd day, the one born on the odd day
would get it.
A few weekends later, while river rafting with one of my sons,
I was tossed out of the boat.
As I floated in the rapids, I heard my son yelling,
"It's the wrong day!"
Todays Thought; "The aging process has you firmly in its grasp if you never

get the urge to throw a snowball."

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