fall in the morning.....I guess it's that time.....
Enjoy the postings....Have a safe trip Taz....
"Witchy" get well...we miss you.....
I guess you can say: Shes a sweet girl...I mean the bees prove it...
Now that's a cool looking Pumpkin man...... Someone put a lot in to it.
Go outside and do it.........Yea!
A football nut....err Fan..... looks uncomfortable....
Yep...They like to keep warm...... Dogs are worst....
Party time....... I don't know how good......
This looks about right.........big spenders.....
I don't know to say.....he's been growing it a long time....Why?
What can you say??
~~ "Everything is changing.
People are taking their comedians seriously and the
politicians as a joke." (Will Rogers)
~~ The hesitant out-of-state driver, waiting for traffic to clear,
came to a complete stop on a freeway ramp.
The traffic thinned but the intimidated driver still waited.
Finally an infuriated voice yelled from the car behind,
"The sign says to yield, not to give up."
~~ Husband to wife, referring to the television:
"It's the late, late movie again,
'Ali Baba and the Forty Commercials.'"
~~ Love's a peculiar thing.
In order to get it, you have to give it.
And when you get it, you have to give it back to keep it.
~~ A policeman was checking up about a robbery in a home.
The policeman asked the lady of the house,
"This is the messiest room I ever saw.
You should have reported the robbery right away."
The woman said, "I didn't know it was a robbery.
I thought my husband had been looking for a clean shirt!"
~~ Today the young kids dance so far apart,
they know they're out on a date, but they don't know with whom.
~~ I was baby-sitting my two grandchildren around suppertime
and both hands were submerged in hamburger when Rufus,
the family dog, barked at the door.
I asked six-year-old Nathan to let him out, and he did.
A few minutes later Rufus barked to come back in, and again
I asked Nathan.
He told me that the house rule is that someone else has to do it.
I told him his sister was too far to hear me and politely reminded
him that Rufus is his dog.
As he stomped past to let him in, he muttered,
"He's your granddog, you know!"
~~ The best way to drive you wife crazy is to smile in your sleep.
~~ When we arrived at the dock to board, the captain looked
at my wife's luggage and said, "You should have told me.
I would have brought a bigger ship!"
~~ We finally got one reluctant customer to sign up for
an ATM card at the bank where I work.
Some time later, when he was in the branch,
he commented on how much he liked using the ATM.
He didn't have to wait for the bank to open to stand in line.
He could stand in line even when we were closed.
~~ Sometimes kids don't quite get what their parents do
for a living.
After learning that a student's father worked as an engineer
developing hard drives, a teacher questioned the boy about
his Dad's job.
He replied, "My Daddy drives trains, and he drives them hard!"
~~ One night we joined my husband's family at a Chinese
restaurant to celebrate my father-in-law's birthday.
My husband and I were at the buffet table when the
waitress brought a booster seat for our four-year-old son,
He told her he didn't want it, so she put the booster on
my chair and said, "I'll just leave it here for your mom, then."
"That's okay," Charles said. "She doesn't need it either."
Todays Thought: "Never sit on the toilet, while the plunger is still in it."
Lov'em all keep it up...