Thursday, October 23, 2008

Well now.....Good morning.....Hope everyone's o.k...................

I'm fine, except for "Rose bud" she's acting up.........................

Further Clarification: Yass is a town in Australia.

Somebody else can't spell......glad I got spellcheck.....................

But I still make mistakes...mistakes...mistakes...

Nice way to cool off on a hot day.........

Whatever floats your boat.........

What can I say, besides a rought traction ?

Now....This is traction, and power......

♣ ponder these.....

Seconds count, especially when dieting.

Stand up to be seen; speak up to be heard; shut up to be appreciated.

The only way Dad can get a few moments to himself on weekends is to start washing the family car.

A smile is the light in the window of your face that tells people you're at home.

♣ A food manufacturer has come up with a way to make a fortune; he's putting out a breakfast food that drains the energy from kids.

♣ When the family car developed a slight knock, the husband asked his wife if she had bought regular or premium gas, but she couldn't remember.

"You probably got the cheaper gas," he said.
"That could account for the engine running so rough."

"No, the gas wasn't cheaper!" she replied indignantly.

"Well, how much did it cost?" asked the husband.

"It cost the same as always," said the wife.
"I bought the usual forty dollars worth.".

♣ "Dear John, Thanks for your offer to initiate a campaign for the Presidency on my behalf.
I'd take you up on it but I like to mow my own lawn.
There are eighteen acres around the White House and if I lived there, I wouldn't have time to do anything else."
- Andy Rooney -

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