Thursday, October 2, 2008

Good Morning, friends..."Witchy" starts her walkabout this
Morning....Have a safe trip. Looking forward to a meeting...

And to think we had a bad job......Please don't fart !........

I'm outta here....just in case he does fart.......

I got my eyes on the problem......... about a foggy morning....
I don't wanna hang around here................

Just checking......I don't smell nottin.........................

Me and my friend hanging out............

I'm taking no chances.......I'm going Bye, bye.............

"Bittersweet October...The mellow, messy, leaf-kicking, perfect pause between the opposing miseries of summer and winter."

It began as an innocent game with my toddler son, Robert.

I'd get in the fighter's stance and start shadowboxing.

Jabbing with both fists, I'd say, "One-two, one-two," and he would imitate me over and over.

I never thought about the consequences of this little exercise until my wife took our son to a birthday party.

When the boy's mother was handing out noisemakers she leaned over to Robert and asked, "Would you like one too?"

It took my wife a while to explain her way out of what happened next.

My friend Cindy was walking up Third Avenue in Manhattan thinking about her impending wedding.

Strung across the street in midtown was a large protest banner.

When she arrived home, she said to her fiancĂ©, “There is a giant sign across Third Avenue that says, ‘Free China,’ but they don’t tell you where to get it."

Early one Saturday morning, the flashing lights of a police car appeared in my rearview mirror.

After checking my license and registration, the officer asked, "Do you know why I pulled you over?" "No, I responded.

"One of your taillights is out." he said. "I'm going to have to issue a warning.

"Whew," I said, without thinking. "I thought it was because my inspection had expired."


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great as always Gus. I was going to ask when Witchy was due, now I know. Rae x