Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Hey...Every body!...Good Morning.....I hope some don't get
blown away from "IKE".......................................................

Yeh! he's a killer too......................................................................

Ha-Ha......Your funny....................................................................

Time for a Butt scratch , If I keep eating I won't be able too.....

You mess wif me, and I'll tell Mama on you...............................

I'm hiding.....................................................................................

Don't look "Honey"...Theiz som ugley critters,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

Youse guys are funny...................................................................

Strolling through town, I saw a road worker printing a sign that read "Raised Manhole Ahead."

I pointed out that there were more like ten raised manholes.

The sign, he assure me would be changed.

Later that day, the sign was corrected.

It now read "Raised Menhole Ahead."

Crew cut, flattop, buzz cut.

Whatever you call them, military haircuts are not always the height of fashion.

And even the military recognizes that.

While passing a U.S. armed services barbershop in Heidelberg, Germany, I saw these rates that were posted in the window:

Haircuts: $7. Military Haircuts: $6.

Gus: Pete,... do you think any two people are the same?

Pete: Absolutely not.

This morning I must have asked twenty people for the time and nobody gave me the same answer!

We live in a semi-rural area.

We recently had a new neighbor call the local township administrative office to request the removal of the Deer Crossing sign on our road.

The reason: "Too many deer are being hit by cars out here!

I don't think this is a good place for them to be crossing anymore."

My four-year-old grand daughter was sick of being the butt of her older brother's practical jokes.

So I pulled her aside and told her how to get back at him.

"Tell him there's an elephant in the yard," I suggested.

Amber loved the idea.

She ran toward her brother's room, calling, "Michael, Michael!"

Suddenly she stopped, turned around, and ran to the back window, shouting, "I want to see him first!"

The taxpayer..........................

that's someone who works for the federal government but doesn't have to take the civil service examination.

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