Oh, No....not another Political Ad.........................................
You think you have it hard.....You don't have to watch them Ad's.......
Custom bike hauler..................................................................
I like riding my custom bike...........................................................
What can I say ??......................................................
The tip you leave now for lunch would have bought you one...
twenty years ago.
President Bush is on a week-long tour of Asia; he’ll visit South Korea, Thailand, and China —
or as the White House calls it,....... the “everything sold at Wal-Mart” tour.
1) A guide to Arab democracies
2) Everything men know about women
3) The Amish phonebook
Thinking his son would enjoy seeing the reenactment of a Civil War battle, my niece's husband took the boy, Will, to the event.
But the poor child was terrified by the booming cannons.
During a lull, Will's dad finally got him calmed down.
That's when the Confederate general hollered, "Fire at Will!"
A friend wrote:Since moving to Philadelphia for a job, I had been receiving small appliances and household goods I needed from my brother Len.
The latest parcel to arrive was a box for an electric kettle that looked just like the one I had bought a few weeks earlier.
Without bothering to open it, a few days later I went to the store to return it.
I explained to the clerk that it was a gift from my brother, and left it with her while I went to look for something else.
When I returned to the counter, a number of employees had gathered around—all looking at the red lingerie the clerk had pulled from the box.
Len’s wife had bought it for me.
A few summers ago, my children took part in a three mile charity road race sponsored by a local church.
The church provided refreshments at the finish line.
My son Rusty picked up a bottle of water with a Bible verse on the label: "I was thirsty and ye gave me drink. Matthew 25:35."
After taking a drink, Rusty read the verse and announced, “Matthew's time in that race was pretty good.”
Life's tragedy is that we get old too soon and wise too late.
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