Thursday, July 10, 2008

Good Morning....this morning.....gonna be a nice day.........

Watching the food channel............

Umm....check this babe out !

Breakfast drink, or just breakfast?

I take it,........the dog likes Bacon..........

Moving a 700 year old chapel, that weights 750 tons..

I've just learned how to cut down on the high cost of food.

I fill a basket, get in the express checkout and keep eating until I'm down to ten items.

My friend had finally relented and agreed to join her husband and sons for a day of canoeing on a nearby river.

Extremely low water levels due to a dry summer forced them to push, drag or carry the canoe as often as paddle it.

At home the next day she announced, "That's the first and last time I take a canoe for a walk!"

My wife is not an exercise person.

In fact, Gus's morning sit-ups seemed to irritate her.

Once, as he finished his routine, she snapped, "Look at you!

What does all that exercise do for you anyway?

You look exactly the same as you looked ten years ago."

Elephants live longer than people, so we are told.

Maybe that's because they never worry about trying to lose weight...

Why does a slight tax increase cost you two dollars and a substantial tax cut save you twentyfive cents ?....

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