Thursday, June 19, 2008

Good Morning....I hope everyone has a good one....


One blue- one green happens quite often........


Getting it.......He's good.


When the weather turned violent and stormy on Tuesday evening,
Lori Mehmen, who lives in the small farming town of Orchard in northeastern Iowa,
looked out her front door and saw a funnel cloud bearing down —
and evidently had the presence of mind to grab her digital camera and capture
this shot before taking cover.


It's hot Mom.........


Nice beach of the coast of Wales....

But I bet the waters cold................


NASA has announced plans to send a probe to orbit the sun —

where it will be forced to withstand temperatures of 1,400 degrees Fahrenheit.

When he heard about it, President Bush said: “Why don’t they just go at night?”


Dean Martin was once asked by the legendary comic Marty Brill why he drank so much.

"I drink to forget," Martin replied.

"That's sad," said Brill.

"It could be a lot sadder," Martin declared.

"What could be sadder than drinking to forget?" Brill asked.

Martin's reply? "Forgetting to drink!"


"If you drink, don't drive," Martin once cautioned. "Don't even putt."


A man was walking through the grounds of UVA one morning when he noticed

a young blind woman struggling with her Guide- Dog.

The animal was resolutely pulling in one direction, she in another.

When he offered assistance, the woman replied,

"No thanks, this is a family argument.

The dog knows I'm supposed to go to a lecture right now...

but I want to miss it."


In his speech last night, John McCain said America must get off of fossil fuels.

That shows you what a maverick he is.

Here you have a fossil saying we must get off of fossil fuels.


I'm getting so absent minded that sometimes in the middle of a sentence I

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