Sunday, October 19, 2014



A first-time Congressman was being interviewed 
by the local paper.
“Mr. Congressman,” said the reporter, “when you 
get to Washington, are you going to be a pawn 
for the powerful interests that most of your 
constituents think will control you?”
“I resent that question, Sir,” the Congressman 
“I do not plan to take my wife to Washington.”

A Scotchman had been presented with a pint flask 
of rare old Scotch whiskey. 
He was walking briskly along the road toward 
home, when along came a Ford which he did not 
sidestep quite in time. 
It threw him down and hurt his leg quite badly. 
He got up and limped down the road. 
Suddenly he noticed that something warm and 
wet was trickling down his leg. 
"Oh, Lord," he groaned, "I hope that's blood!"

Q: What's red and bad for your teeth? 
A: A brick.

Six employees at L.A.'s Cedars-Sinai hospital have 
been fired for snooping through Kim Kardashian's 
medical records. 
Kim was upset. 
She said it was an invasion of her privacy, and all 
three of her cameramen agreed....

I was told I needed to do some soul searching... 
so I Googled James Brown.

Michael McIntyre stormed off stage because a 
woman in the front row wouldn't get off her 
phone...she was only trying to find out what time 
the comedian was coming on....

A little girl and a little boy were at day care one 
The girl approaches the boy and says, "Hey 
Tommy, wanna play house?
"He says, "Sure! What do you want me to do?"
The girl replies, "I want you to communicate your 
"Communicate my thoughts?" said a bewildered 
"I have no idea what that means.
"The little girl smirks and says, "Perfect. 
You can be the husband."

"The secret of success is sincerity. 
Once you can fake that you've got it made."

An ant and an elephant share a night of romance.
The next morning the ant wakes up and the 
elephant is dead.
"Shit!" says the ant. 
"One night of passion and I will spend the rest 
of my life digging a grave!"

A flying insect just flew into my kitchen and 
I think it was a Jihaddy long legs.
