Friday, May 2, 2014



To apply for a job at Hooters, 
they hand you a bra and say, "Here, fill this out." 

To me, the worst part of the prostate exam is  
when the doctor says, "Guess how many fingers." 

When Miley Cyrus gets naked and licks a hammer 
it's "art" and "music". 
When I do it, I'm "wasted" and "have to leave the 
hardware store". 

I bet when spiders see those fake cobwebs on
Halloween they must be like "Ugh, tourists". 

"Your generation is too reliant on technology," 
said my grandpa. 
"No, your generation is too reliant on technology," 
I retorted as I pulled the plug on his life support 
to further prove my point.

I bet chickens have mixed emotions about 
Thanksgiving, because they're safe for a day, 
but why aren't they good enough for a holiday 

Two blondes are walking down the road when 
one says "Look at that dog with one eye!"
The other blonde covers one of her eyes and 
says "Where?"

Mary had a little lamb..  
and then she had a very large kebab with a house 

I just broke a light bulb. 
Damn, that’s 7 years of bad ideas. 

The summer band class was just getting under 
way when a large insect flew into the room. 
The Sixth Graders, eager to play their shiny 
new instruments, tried to ignore the buzzing 
intruder, but eventually one student, Tommy, 
could stand it no longer. 
He rolled up his music book and swatted the 
insect, then he stomped on it to ensure its 
"Is it a bee?" another student asked. 
"Nope," Tommy replied........ "Bee flat." 

If plan A doesn't work,  
just remember there are 25 more letters in the 
