Wednesday, March 26, 2014



It's all about perspective.   
The sinking of the Titanic was a miracle to the 
lobsters in the ship's kitchen.....

Wife got good news from the doctor today. 
He said she wasn't going to die if she didn't get that 
new designer handbag.

Karen was telling me that her to-be-ex, a police 
officer, asked the judge to please remind her to 
re-register a gun he'd given her in her name.  
"You see, your honor, to buy it, I had to register it in 
my name."  
The judge said, "Why's this so important?"  
"Because, Your Honor, I don't want to be shot with 
'my own gun'."  
The judge had to hold a piece of paper in front of his 
face to hide his laughter.

Two friends were out drinking when suddenly one 
lurched backward off his bar-stool and lay motionless ]
on the floor. 
"One thing about Gus," his buddy said to the 
bartender, "he knows when to stop."

Don't die a virgin.... 
there's a bunch of Muslims waiting for you up there. 

What if Hillary wins !!! 
First Lady Bill Clinton and two Secret Service agents 
jog into a D.C. McDonald's....
Bill Clinton: Alright, boys, let's stop here for a 
I'm a little parched from the fog. 
Secret Service Agent #1: Sir, we've only been jogging 
for three blocks. 
Besides, President Clinton asked us not to let you in 
any more fast food places. 
Bill Clinton: I just want to mingle with the American 
people, talk with some real folks.. and maybe get a 
Diet Coke, or something.. 
Secret Service Agent #1: Fine...... 
But please don't tell Mrs. Clinton. 
Bill Clinton: Jim, let me tell you something - 
there's gonna be a lot of things we don't tell 
Mrs. Clinton about. 
Fast food is the least of our worries. 

A friend of mine just got divorced. 
He and his ex-wife split the house. 
He got the outside.

It's been a tough day...
My girlfriend just broke up with me. 
But she said we can still be cousins 

An old redneck had been working industriously 
with a stub pencil and a piece of paper. 
Suddenly he looked up and smiled. 
He exclaimed, "Doggoned it Maw, if I ain't 
done learned to write." 
Maw got up and looked at the lines scrawled 
across the paper. 
"What does it say" ? 
"I don't know", the redneck replied, 
"I ain't learned to read yet." 

There are a lot of special women in my life, 
but Betty Crocker takes the cake. 

After stumbling into my first AA meeting last 
night, I sat down and said, "Hello, I'm Dave and
 I'm an alcoholic."
"Are you drunk right now?" asked some guy.
"Yes." I slurred.
"Thought so," he replied, "This is a mosque." 
