Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Good Morning.....
Warmer this morning at 3:00
Then yesterday all day.....

I always scoffed when my sister insisted that our
three dogs are computer literate. 
Then one day when I was signing on to AOL,
I noticed that when the "welcome" voice came on,
the dogs immediately settled down.
Later when they heard the "goodbye" sign-off,
all three dogs rushed to the door expecting to be

Shotgun wedding: A case of wife or death.

I've been considering a facelift, but it's very
expensive, so I've seesawed back and forth.
One day my husband and I discussed it yet again
Then I asked, "What if I drop dead three months
later? Then what would you do?"
After a moment of reflection he offered,
"I guess we'd have an open casket."

Yesterday the Dalai Lama said he likes George
W. Bush as a person, but not as a president.
When asked for comment, Bush said,
"I love him as a Dalai, but not as a Lama."

I don't approve of political jokes.
I've seen too many of them get elected.

Time magazine is reporting that Lebanon's most
wanted Sunni terrorist has blown himself up in
Wow, a lot of these guys have a short fuse.

Not one person was murdered in El Salvador last
Saturday in what was the first homicide-free day
in nearly three years.
The bad news: 50 people got killed during the

I used to be a lumberjack, but I just couldn't
hack it, so they gave me the ax.
