Monday, June 27, 2011

Good Morning , friends.....
80-90º today with scattered showers today...
66º degrees right now......
And Pete....I hope you feel better.....
I guess it's all that smoked meat.....ha-ha....

Not to sick for a BLT...

Yeah, he will take care of it.......

See what happens when you get under the weather??

It's still a Purse...Skippy!!

See, what's on my laptop......

Most in my house aren't...
They'll sleep until noon if you let them.....

Cool helmet.... not many around like that....
maybe cause looks dumb.....

Looks like someones going to get a wet leg.....

Boy, do I remember these....
Brings back memories.......

Time to get outta here...
If I can get the truck down.....


*  Gus and Pete are out hunting deer.
Gus  said, "Did you see that?"
"No,"Pete says.
"Well, a bald eagle just flew overhead," Gus said.
"Oh," said Pete .
A couple of minutes later, Gus says, "Did you see that?"
"See what?"Pete asks.
"Are you blind?
There was a big, black bear walking on that hill,
over there."
A few minutes later Gus says: "Did you see that?"
By now, Pete is getting aggravated, so he says,
"Yes, I did!"
Gus says: "Then why did you step in it?"

*  I wish my wife could.... put her cell phone and keys
in that little place in her mind where every little thing I
have done wrong for the last 25 years is stored.

*  At a bar, one patron to another: “Excuse me but I think
you owe me a drink.”
 “You’re so ugly that I dropped mine when I saw you”

*  Airman Martin was assigned to the induction center,
where he advised new recruits about their government
benefits, especially their GI insurance.
It wasn't long before Captain Jones noticed that Airman
Martin was having a staggeringly high success-rate,
selling insurance to nearly 100% of the recruits he
Rather than ask about this, the Captain stood in the
back of the room and listened to Pete's  sales pitch.
Pete explained the basics of the GI Insurance to the new
recruits, and then said: "If you have GI Insurance and
go into battle and are killed, the government has to pay
$250,000 to your beneficiaries.
If you don't have GI insurance, and you go into battle
and get killed, the government only has to pay a
maximum of $6000.
Now," he concluded, "which groups do you think they
are going to send into battle first?"

*  A cop pulls a young guy over:
"Hello officer" said the smart aleck kid.
"Young man did you see that stop sign?" asked the cop.
Yup, but I didn't see you!

*  "I'm sick of you teasing me about my weight,"
my wife snapped as she walked out the door.
 "Please babe don't go," I pleaded.....
"Think of our son."
"What son?" She said.
"You're not pregnant?"

*  Young Son: Is it true, Dad, I heard that in some parts
of Africa a man doesn't know his wife until he marries
Dad: That happens in most countries, son.

*  A man and his wife were returning from a party one
As the couple was driving home, she asked her husband,
"Honey, has anyone ever told you how handsome,
sexy and irresistible to women you are?"
Totally flattered, he replied, "No, dear they haven't."
At that point she yelled, "Then what the heck gave you
THAT idea at the party tonight?"

*  Once there was a girl who wanted a boyfriend.
Her mom wanted to help her, so she set up a blind date
for her daughter.
When the girl got back from the date she said
"That was the worst night of my life!"
"Why is that?" her mom asked.
"He owns a 1922 Rolls Royce!"
"Isn't that a good thing?"
"He's the original owner mom!"

*  A yawn is merely the opening of your own mouth to
urge other people to shut theirs.

Todays thought:
 The problem with the world is that everyone is a few
drinks behind. - Humphrey Bogart

Rae's Trivia......
The first "braces" were constructed by Pierre Fauchard
in 1728.
Fauchard's "braces" consisted of a flat strip of metal,
which was connected to teeth by pieces of thread.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Gus I've had a great time catching up again LOL I learn something new every time :^).
Still raining with us mostly chilly but today very muggy we can't win.Hope we get some summer this year otherwise my blonde hair is going to turn red with rust!!!
Rae xx