Monday, June 6, 2011

Good Morning, Friends...
I have 65 º this morning....
In the 80's for the next couple days, 
then back to the hot 90's......

My flowers I planted are coming along just great...
These are seeds from flowers that grew last year...
Al right...settle down...
Start catching the mices...

Because thats what cats do....
Didn't your Mama teach you anything?? don't catch mices??

Pete, I got a new razor, thinking I will get a closes shave,
well it don't work and the blades cost an arm and a

Okay, quit playing around....
and start earning your keep.....

You got voices in your head....
Loud ain't they.....
Mine sing some times....

I think you need to keep watch on them crazy cats...

When that happens I get embarrassed

Mine sure went up these last 2 visits.
I'm glad some ones free.....

Okay...Sorry bout that....
can't win them all.....

Yep. time to go...
This is the second try to day...
I don't know were the first one went??


~~ Q: Who is the greatest babysitter mentioned in the Bible?
A: David. He rocked Goliath to a very deep sleep.
Q: Where is the first tennis match mentioned in the Bible?
A: When Joseph served in Pharaoh’s court.
Q: What Bible character had no parents?
A: Joshua, son of Nun.

~~  Contrary to popular belief the Lottery numbers are
not random.
They are just the number of people Chuck Norris killed
that given day.

~~  I thought i was good in bed till the missus told me
she had asthma !!

~~  After he spent too long in a steam room,
they called him A Sauna been Laid in.

~~ So Moses is up on Mount Sinai and he says to God,
"God, do I have a pounding headache!"
And God says, "Here, take these two tablets."

~~  "Paris Hilton and Nicole Ritchie have settled their
They say that their two hearts combined make one.
Their two brains also combined to make one."

~~  A little child was in church for the first time and
watched as the ushers passed the offering plates.
 When they neared the pew where he sat, the youngster
said in a little voice loud enough for everyone to hear:
 "Don't pay for me, Daddy..... I'm under five."

~~  So I saw on good morning America today
a story about a baby born with no eyelids.
The doctors got very creative and when they did his
circumsision, they used that skin.
 He turned out just fine, just a little cock-eyed.

~~  young man from the city went to visit his farmer
For the first few days, the uncle showed him the usual
things - chickens, cows, crops, etc.
After three days, however, it was obvious that the
nephew was getting bored, and the uncle was running
out of things to amuse him with.
 Finally, the uncle had an idea.
"Why don't you grab a gun, take the dogs, and go
This seemed to cheer the nephew up, and with
enthusiasm, off he went, dogs in trail.
 After a few hours, the nephew returned.
"How did you enjoy that?" asked the uncle.
"It was great!" exclaimed the nephew. "
Got any more dogs?"

~~  When my girlfriend said she was leaving because
of my obsession with The Monkees,
I thought she was joking..........And then I saw her face.

Can't stick their heads out of Windows XP.
Fetch command not available with all systems.
Hard to read the monitor with your head cocked to one side.
Carpal Paw Syndrome.
Saliva-coated mouse is difficult to maneuver.
YOU try typing with paws.

~~  An ant and an elephant got married, despite the
best advice of their friends.
During their first intercourse, the elephant suffered a
heart attack and died.
"Crap," said the ant.
"Five minutes of passion, and now the rest of my life
digging a grave."

Todays Thought:
A bank is a place where they lend you an umbrella in
fair weather and ask for it back when it begins to rain.
-Robert Frost


Rays Trivia......
The only part of the human body that has no blood
supply is the cornea in the eye.
It takes in oxygen directly from the air.



  1. Beautiful Gus you do have a green thumb! .....Carol

  2. Beautiful flowers Gus looking good At last a trivia I knew LOL
    Rae x


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