Friday, May 27, 2011

Thunder storms today....and boy the weekend looks
like it's gonna be a hot one...
Check the weather Pete.........

Sorry about that.... we like fried Chicken...

Yeah...that chicken had a first name...
But she also tasted good......

I don't know about the spice,
but the gravy is flowing this morning...

Chickens...just chickens...

Oh... you thought that was funny....huh.
Do sea lions taste like Chicken??

I thought I smelled something....

Goats don't taste like chicken...
after all they eat cans...

one cool ad.....
Would make you stop and look...

Air conditioned bike??

What can I say.....

Well, gotta homemade
strawberry shortbread is ready....


~~  There are laws to protect the freedom of the
press's speech, but none that are worth anything to
protect the people from the press.

~~  Edward Hale (1822-1909), while chaplain of the
U.S. Senate, was asked, "Do you pray for the senators?"
He quickly replied, "No.
After getting to know the senators, I pray for the people."

~~  QUESTION: Why does it take longer to build a
blonde snowman than a regular one?
ANSWER: You have to hollow out the head.

~~  "Is there a ruler in the house?" my nine-year-old
son asked while he was doing his math homework.
I had an old one I had used for my studies, and when
I gave it to him, he examined it intently.
"What do you find so fascinating?" I asked.
"So this is what an inch looks like!" he exclaimed.

~~  For show and tell, my seven-year-old daughter
invited her 95-year- old great-grandmother to class.
She told the children she'd taught in a one-room
She described how she had snowshoed to school
across fields when the snow was deep and said that
sometimes the farmer she boarded with allowed her the
use of a horse.
She told the children she taught eight grades at once,
that each day an older student came early to light the
potbellied stove, that desks were built for two, and that
there were inkwells and an outhouse.
Finally, she asked if there were any questions.
One eager boy's hand shot up.
“Do you still have the horse?” he asked.

~~  A local church built a new sanctuary.
They moved their very fine old pipe organ from to the
new sanctuary.
It was an intricate task that was completed successfully.
The local news heralded, "St. Paul Completes Organ Transplant."

~~  The probability of meeting someone you know
increases when you are with someone you don’t want to
be seen with.

~~  Ever notice that when you change supermarket
lines, the one you have left will start to move faster than
the one you are in now.

~~  After a long day at the museum, my kindergarten
class described what they liked best.
“Dinosaurs!” one shouted.
“Animals!” another cried.
One little boy put up his hand and said, “My favorite
part is when we smelled French fries in the hallway.”

~~  During a cold snap, when everyone was complaining
about the low temperature in the office, I noticed one of
my co-workers was industriously folding letters and
stuffing envelopes while wearing a pair of gloves.
I sympathized with her on just how cold her hands must
"Oh, my hands aren't cold," she replied.
"I'm mailing out copies of a chain letter, and I don't
want to leave my fingerprints on them."

~~  Irene said; I explained to my young children that I
was going to run in the school board elections.
On the day of the vote, I emerged from my bedroom
wearing business attire.
My six-year-old son looked me up and down, his eyes
coming to rest on my high heels.
In a shocked voice, he exclaimed, “Mom, you're not
running in those shoes!"

Todays Thought: The 7 Modern Sins:
Politics without principles,
Pleasures without conscience,
Wealth without work, Knowledge without character,
Industry without morality, Science without humanity,
Worship without sacrifice. - Canon Frederic Donaldson

Rae's trivia....
The lungs of an average adult, unfolded and flattened out,
would cover an area the size of a tennis court.
 One ounce of the material that constitutes a spider’s
web could stretch 2,000 miles....

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