Thursday, April 14, 2011

Good Morning... Gonna be a great day, today.. Getting to be in
the 60's just about everyday now..with a couple 70's thrown in..
Saturday....Thunder storms and rain.....

Boy!! I would not stick my hand in there........
That critter looks mean....

I see you do..... I don't think Cat's like the fizz...

Apparently they like cool water....
But its hard to get to.....

He sez; be careful one slip, and........
I found out the hard way.....

No me...I'm going no were near Water....
Are you crazy??

And it looks like it...
I have a brush if you want to use it......

He's proud of being a country boy....Huh!
More like "Redneck"

Gotta watch them "Pot holes" in the road.....
They's rought...

Oh, No...the fixer.....

They's good.......

Yep! that's what happened.......
Petewetes "RIPPER" chili....
Does it every time....

~~ When we brought our new-born son to the pediatrician for his first checkup, the doctor said,
"You have a cute baby." Smiling, I said, "I'll bet you say that to all the new parents."
"No," he replied, "just to those whose babies are really
cute.""So what do you say to the others?" I asked.  "He looks just like you."

~~ "According to a new report, the most frequently
delayed flight in the country is Delta's 6:30 flight from
New York to Washington, D.C. - which is late 100 percent
of the time.
Delta officials plan to fix the problem by re-naming the
6:30 flight the '7:30 flight.'

~~ Q: How do two psychiatrists greet each other?
A: You are fine..... How am I?

~~ "It's not fair that Maddy gets to spend the night at
Lisa's and I have to stay home," whined eight-year-old
Her father Daryl explained, "Your sister is older than you,
and she is always going to get to do things before you do.
So get over your 'no- fair-phobia.'
Be happy because when you two get older, she's going
to get wrinkles before you."
Dina nodded and said, "Just like you have more wrinkles
than Mom?"

~~ "Take every birthday with a grain of salt.
This works much better if the salt accompanies a large

~~ One Saturday, a stray dog stopped by the
Benny family home and began howling beneath the
window behind which young Jack Benny was practicing
his violin.
"For pity's sake, Jack!" his father finally cried.
"Can't you play some piece the dog doesn't know?"

~~ In a physics lab course, which involved light,
electricity and magnetism, one requirement of the course
was to read the week's experiment before coming to
At one lab session the instructor wanted to see how many
people had actually done so ...
"What are the two types of light?" he asked.
The lab fell silent until one wise young man raised his
hand and said, "Uhhh, Miller and Bud?"

~~ My quiet Saturday morning ended abruptly when my
15-year-old son, Billy, and one of his friends burst through
the door.
"Hey Dad, announced Billy, "have you met the new
"Come on Dad, you have to meet them."
"Some other time; I'm busy."
"Dad, you have to meet them now."
From the urgency in Billy's voice, I assumed the
neighbors were waiting outside.
I set aside my project and went to the front of the house.
No one was there.
"Where are they?" I asked.
"Well, Dad," he explained, "we haven't met them yet
either, but our baseball is in their living room!"

~~ BEAUTY: what a woman has when she looks the
same after washing her face.

~~ There once was a king who was loved by all of his
subjects, especially because of the hunting excursions
he arranged and shared with them.
As will happen, the king died and his eldest son took the
Now this new king was an animal lover to the core,
and immediately outlawed all forms of hunting and
His subjects accepted this for only a short time before
they finally ousted him.
This was a truly a significant event because it’s the first
time a reign was ever called on account of game.

~~ If you want to be thought a liar, always tell the truth.

Today's Thought...  All truths are easy to understand once they are discovered; the point is to discover them.- Galileo Galilei
Rae's trivia....On a 1970 tour in San Francisco, California, Rod Stewart and fellow Faces members jumped on top of their rented station wagon and started jumping.  When police arrived, the car had been crushed.

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