Monday, April 4, 2011

Good Morning, Neighbors...
Did you have a good weekend??
We had a warm one, and now getting into
our warm phase....Rain this evening.....

See were my birdseed goes??
He's an old one.. see the white at the base
of the ears??
Them and the Blue Jays eat alot of my seeds..

I don't have many of these around, because of the cats...

"Play it again "Sam".....

Oh, No I can't get by with anything.......

Oh, you wanna fight about it....Huh!!

Swap, you bowls........ Okay??

"Flying thru the air on the flying".........
"The landings are ELL!.....

He's good....

Petewete ..Cool, Huh??
I don't know If I could ride it.....

Question of the day....?

I, gotta go....
My rides here.......

~~ In the 1950s Groucho Marx was invited to take a tour of the New York Stock Exchange.
While in the observation booth, he grabbed the public address system handset and began singing
"Lydia the Tattooed Lady".   Upon hearing silence coming from the trading floor, he walked into view, was given a loud cheer by the traders, and shouted, "Gentlemen, in 1929 I lost eight hundred
thousand dollars on this floor, and I intend to get my money's worth!" For fifteen minutes, he sang, danced, told jokes, and all this time, the Wall Street stock ticker was running blank.

~~ It's a fact, taller people sleep longer in bed.

~~ One bitter cold day at the police court they brought a
trembling old man before Fiorello La Guardia,
charged with stealing a loaf of bread.
His family, he said, was starving.
'I've got to punish you,' declared La Guardia.
'The law makes no exception.
I can do nothing but sentence you to a fine of ten dollars.'
La Guardia was reaching into his pocket as he added,
'Well, here's the ten dollars to pay your fine.
And now I remit the fine.'
He tossed a ten-dollar bill into his famous sombrero.
'Futhermore, 'he declared, 'I'm going to fine everybody in
this courtroom fifty cents for living in a town where a man has
to steal bread in order to eat.
Mr. Bailiff, collect the fines and give them to this defendant!'
The hat was passed and an incredulous old man,
with a light of heaven in his eyes, left the courtroom with a
stake of forty- seven dollars and fifty cents.

~~ One night a blond nun was praying in her room when God
appeared before her.
"My daughter, you have pleased me greatly.
Your heart is full of love for your fellow creatures and your
actions and prayers are always for the benefit of others.
I have come to you, not only to thank and commend you,
but to grant you anything you wish," said God.
"Dear Heavenly Father, I am perfectly happy.
I am a bride of Christ.
I am doing what I love.
I lack for nothing material since the Church supports me.
I am content in all ways," said the nun.
"There must be something you would have of me," said God.
"Well, there is one thing," she said.
"Just name it," said God.
"It's those blonde jokes.
They are so demeaning to blondes everywhere, not just to me.
I would like for blonde jokes to stop."
"Consider it done," said God.
"Blonde jokes shall be stricken from the minds of humans
But surely there is something that I could do just for you."
"There is one thing.
But it's really small, and not worth your time," said the nun.
"Name it. Please," said God.
"It's the M&M's," said the blonde nun.
"They're so hard to peel."

~~ Men don't realize that if we're sleeping with them on
the first date, we're probably not interested in seeing
them again either.

~~ Another way to say that medications for allergic diseases
are expensive: "Robbing Peter to pay for Pollen."

~~ A drunk came from a bar at two o'clock in the morning
and promptly walked into the nearest light post.
Unable to see straight, he felt the post carefully with his
hands and proceeded to walk all around it three or four
times, examining all sides of the post with his hands.
Finally, he slumped down on the curb and buried his head
in his hands.
"It's no use," he sobbed.
"I'm walled in!"

~~ QUESTION: What would king Henry VIII be doing if he

was alive right now?
ANSWER: Scratching at the lid of his coffin of course!!!

~~ A young man asked an old rich man how he made his
The old guy fingered his expensive wool vest and said,
"Well, son, it was 1932.
The depth of the Great Depression.
I was down to my last nickel."
"I invested that nickel in an apple.
I spent the entire day polishing the apple and, at the end
of the day, I sold the apple for ten cents."
"The next morning, I invested those ten cents in two apples.
I spent the entire day polishing them and sold them at
5:00 pm for 20 cents.
I continued this system for a month, by the end of which
I'd accumulated a fortune of $9.80."
"Then my wife's father died and left us two million dollars."

~~ One of life's disappointments is discovering that the
man who writes the bank's ads is not the one who makes
the loans.

Todays thought;  "Sound character provides the power with which a person may ride the emergencies of life instead of being overwhelmed by them. Failure is ... the highway to success."

Rae's trivia..... Wintergreen Life Savers make little blue sparks when you crunch them with your teeth..
What we have here is something called triboluminescence
or TL.   Simply put, triboluminescence is light resulting from crushing or tearing.   Provided by methyl salicylate (oil of wintergreen), when the sugar crystals in the Life Savers get crushed, electrons break loose and scatter all over creation.   The electrons begin to get lonesome for the sugar crystals
they broke free from, and decide to return.  Problem is that nitrogen molecules took their place and the
electrons crash into the nitrogen - causing little blue sparks.



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