Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Good Morning, friends and neighbor's....
More showers by Friday....
clear and warmer, today.....

Sadie takes over the bed when I leave it....

Oatmeal Pancakes??
Have you tried these petewete?

These two look comfy...

That dog lay on me....I'd bite him.....

A cat Pillow??

I don't know... that cat will bite you......

Look alike??
You need some Bacon......

Have a hard time eating Bacon??
(he's having a bacon fit)

Sez he's not gonna mess wif him....
Looks to mean.....

Will I guess I gotta stop now......
Puter is being used as a pillow....

Okay I will...
I'll tell that crazy guy you took his bacon....
That will fix you.....

~~ was talking to my doctor about a weight loss-patch I had seen advertised.
Supposedly, you stick it on and the pounds melt away.    "Does it work?" I asked.
"Sure," he said, "if you put it over your mouth."

~~ Little Johnny was approached by the lifeguard at the
public swimming pool.
"You're not allowed to pee in the pool," said the lifeguard.
"I'm going to report you."
"But everyone pees in the pool," insisted Little Johnny.
"That may be," said the lifeguard,
"but not from the diving board!"

~~ Two husbands were discussing their married lives.
Although happily married, they admitted that there were
arguments sometimes.
Then Pete said, “I’ve made one great discovery,
I know how to always have the last word.”
“Wow!’ said Gus, “how did you manage that?”
“It’s easy,” replied Pete. “My last word is always.....
"Yes, Dear."

~~ The new army recruit was serving his first guard duty.
He did his best for a while but about 5 a.m.
He went to sleep.
When he opened his eyes he found the day officer
standing before him.
Remembering the stiff penalty for being asleep on guard
duty, this clever young man kept his head bowed for
another moment, then looked upward and reverently said,

~~ A mad baker came at me with a ryeful,
a 12-grain shotgun with pumpernickel action!
He look at me with such loaving, and said
“You’re a gluten for punishment.”
I never shoulda crust the guy.
I barley survived the encounter,
and there were no wheatnesses.

~~ There was a knock on the door this morning.
I opened it to find a young man standing there who said:
"I'm a Jehovah's Witness."
I said "Come in and sit down, what do you want to talk
He said, "Beats me, I've never gotten this far before."

~~ Have an idea for a new HBO series.
Mel Gibson, Charlie Sheen and Gary Busey all travelling
in a van from New York to L.A..
They would take turns driving and stop at local shops on
the way.
Once they got to L.A., the would live in a 3 bedroom
apartment with Sammy Davis Jr. as the landlord.
Would you watch it?

~~ Me and the wife went into a bar and I asked for a
couple of cheap shots.
Barman said.. 'Certainly Sir.
You're an ugly SOB and your wife's a fat pig.
Anything to drink?'

~~ GRANDAD TO GRANDSON: Go hide, your teacher is
here, cos you skipped school today!
GRANDSON: You go hide.
I told them you passed away!!

~~ Petewete, would you believe; My Dr.'s exam room has
a tip jar.

Todays Thought: As a rule, the freedom of any people can be judged by

the volume of their laughter.

Rae's Trivia.....Snakes don't sting or use their forked tongues as weapons.  The tongues are perfectly harmless.


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