Tuesday, April 12, 2011

# 1251

Good Morning....I don't know what's going on with the weather??
Some how the weather man is wrong....
Boy! posting wireless is fast....Wow....

A Breakfast Ham Roll
Looks good.....

With light beer.....for breakfast??
I don't know....

Their friends.....

I don't know about this guy....
Needs braces??

There! Gus fixed it....
Good  job!....Huh..

What's he doing on here??

Oh, NO! Not here...Not now.....
You'll run everyone off....

I heard somethin, and it stinks....
Scared me.....

Oh, No.....

Looks like fun....but don't fall...

Well, it's that time...
gotta ride off in the sunset....
~~ she was so dumb... they had to burn the school down to get her out of third grade.

~~ Miguel Rodriquez long suffered from insomnia.
It was a rare night that he slept more than an hour.
He had consulted numerous physicians in Mexico and the
United States but none had been able to help him.
Even the strongest sedatives could not give him a restful
night of sleep.
One day, Miguel met and fell in love with a beautiful
seƱorita named Esta Gonzales.
Now when he wants to sleep he just looks at her picture.
Miguel has known from his childhood that to see Esta is to sleep.

~~ Breaking news
'France Bans Muslims From Wearing Veils'.....
Female Muslims have already worked out other ways of
hiding their face, by not shaving for 3 days.

~~ Parenting can be difficult, especially in a religious
Here's a list so that you can identify when your Amish
teenager is getting into trouble.
-Sometimes stays in bed until after 5 a.m.
-In his sock drawer, you find pictures of women without
-Shows up at barn raisings in full "KISS" makeup.
-He's wearing his big black hat backwards.
-His name is Jebediah, but he goes by "Jeb Daddy."
-Defiantly says, "If I had a radio, I'd listen to rap."
-You come upon his secret stash of colored socks.
-Uses slang expression, "Talk to the hand, 'cause the beard ain't listening."
-Was recently pulled over for driving under the influence
of cottage cheese.
-When you criticize him, he yells, "Thou sucketh."

~~ Fear of spiders is aracnaphobia, fear of tight spaces is
chlaustraphobia, fear of Chuck Norris is called Logic

~~ what happens when you cross a pit bull with Lassie?
-A dog that will bite you and then go get help

~~ New word Definitions:
1. Osteopornosis (n): A degenerate disease.
2. Arachnoleptic fit (n.): The frantic dance performed just
after you've accidentally walked through a spider web.
3. Hipatitis (n): Terminal coolness.
4. Caterpallor (n.): The color you turn after finding half a
grub in the fruit you're eating.

~~ Thanksgiving is the one day when giving someone the
bird is a good thing.

~~ I told my wife that a husband is like a fine wine;
he gets better with age.
The next day, she locked me in the cellar.

~~ "Mother," said a little boy after coming from a walk.
"I've seen a man who makes horses."
"Are you sure?" asked his mother.
"Yes," he replied.
"He had a Horse nearly finished.
When I saw him, he was just nailing on his feet."

Todays Thought: The trouble with fishing is that you seldom get there yesterday when the fish were biting.

Rae's Trivia..... viewers of Gilligan’s Island apparently took the show seriously in the 1960s.
The U.S. Coast Guard received several telegrams from concerned citizens asking why they didn’t rescue the Minnow’s crew.


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