Thursday, November 25, 2010

~~Turkey Day~~~

Good "Turkey Day Morning" !
I'm ready to eat that bird and the stuffing.....
I got 41º, and it's gonna be a nice day....
Rain later in the day....

Hey, Pete....Turkey Pizza?

I wonder were the cat went??

Looks like he's had a lot of Turkey......

Good beer with Turkey dinner....

What a Dummy......

No Turkey?...I'd pack up and leave.........

Yeah, their mean....Gotta watch them.....

I don't think I'd have a Turkey dinner here....
They don't know my taste....

Yes it is!! Anybody that posts this mess is an Outrage....

~~ Pete bought a CD of ice cream van music.

Now he drives with the stereo on full blast........
watching the disappointment on all the little kids faces..

~~ TSA’s new slogans.....

Fly the friendly skys...
We touch it for you...
Only your hairdresser...and TSA know for sure...

~~ More TSA Slogans.......
Can't see London, can't see France, unless we see your
Grope discounts available.
If we did our job any better we'd have to buy you dinner first.
Only we know if Lady Gaga is really a lady.
Don't worry, my hands are still warm from the last guy.
Wanna fly? Drop your fly.
We've handled more balls than Barney Frank
We are now free to move about your pants
We rub you the wrong way, so you can be on your way.
It's not a grope. It's a freedom pat.
TSA: Touchin', Squeezin', Arrestin'
We handle more packages than the USPS

~~ "I want to go to Sunday school," my seven-year-old son
announced one day when he returned from school.
Pleased, I told him I’d find one for him.
Later he said: "Oh, boy, I can’t wait to go to Sunday school.
One day sounds so much better than five."

~~ The turkey that President Obama will pardon this year for
Thanksgiving will come from California.
The spokesman for the turkey said it doesn't need a pardon,
it needs a job.

~~ Sue said; Recently, my husband put his car in reverse
and accidentally drove it into a wall.
He took it to his mechanic, who replaced the dented bumper.
A few days later, he did it again.
"I'm so embarrassed," he moaned, reaching for the phone.
"Why not tell him it was me this time?" I suggested.
"Maybe I will," he said while dialing.
"It worked the last time."

~~ Flex at restaurant: "I'm at the age where every time I
see a woman that I used to know, it's her daughter."

~~ Pete said;.......
They’re already playing Christmas music.
I still have a jack-o- lantern in front of my house.

~~ A blonde was recently hired at an office.
Her first task was to go out for coffee.
Eager to do well her first day on the job, she grabbed a large
thermos and hurried to a nearby coffee shop.
She held up the thermos as the coffee shop worker quickly
came over to take her order.
She asked. "Is this big enough to hold six cups of coffee?"
The coffee shop worker looked at the thermos,
hesitated a few seconds, then finally replied,
"Yeah. It looks like about six cups to me."
"Oh good!" the blonde sighed in relief.
"Then give me two regular, two black and two decaf."

~~ Driving along an country road in Va....
I spied an exotic bird flying overhead.
The creature was black, with a huge and striking
red-and-gold beak.
"Hey, look! A toucan!" I yelled.
"Toucan nothin'," said the Redneck passenger.
"It's a crow with its beak stuck in a McDonald's fries carton."

~~ A man walked up to ballroom with his shirt open at the
collar, and he was stopped by a bouncer who informed him
of the proper dress code.
The guy went to a golf course and kidnapped Tiger Woods.
He put handcuffs on Tiger and marched him up to the ball.
"Oh my god what are you doing to Tiger Woods?"
asked the bouncer.
The man replied, "you said Black Thai required!"

Todays Thought:  The wise speak when they have something to say, the fools speak when they have to say something.




Anonymous said...

Hope you've had a good day Gus Happy Thanksgiving
Rae x

Anonymous said...

Happy happy turkey day to you and yours Gus!!! Heard on the news turkey makes u lose weight!! Eat lots now we all have a good excuse...Lol