Saturday, October 30, 2010

Good Morning, Friends and neighbors...
A cool 39º degrees this morning....
Calling for a colder 32º tomorrow morning.
Better bring your plants in.....


Wants to share my chocolate cake?

He would rather have a seal.....and he don't share!

The little critter wants some breakfast.....

He loves ice cream......

He wants to know what's going on.....?

With ears like that,...can you fly??

She's waiting to see if he's hungry.......

Alright! who took a bite outta my light bulb?

Not yet, "Frankie"... tomorrow night.....

Well, time to go.........


~~ Its halloween again, but jeez, they don't like it when you visit the old peoples home dressed as the grim reaper...

~~ My wife has me on the Chilean Miners Diet......
Every day I get 1/4 can of tuna fish, and 1 shot glass of milk.
And I have to stay in the basement, in my underwear with the
lights off.
I don't know if I'm losing weight but she sure seems happy!

~~ Customer, shopping for an alarm clock:
"I'd like one that rings when I'm ready to get up."

~~ Q: What state is Pittsburg in?
A: Colorado, Kansas, New Hampshire, Oklahoma, and Texas.
If you spell it with an "h" on the end (Pittsburgh),
it is also in Pennsylvania!

~~ If this weather keeps up over the weekend, kids that are
dressed up as witches and Superman may actually be able to

~~ Gus recovering from surgery felt hungry and asked his
nurse for some food.
She explained that his doctor's orders called for a liquid diet,
in other words, nothing you can't see through.
He thought for a moment, then said, "Okay!
Then have them send me a doughnut."

~~ While remodeling the spare bedroom, Pete was trying to
install a window shade which had arrived through a
mail-order company.
Frustrated trying to figure out how to hang it, he was annoyed
that the company hadn't included instructions.
However, he persevered and installed it correctly.
he proudly pulled on the cord, the blind opened perfectly...
and out fell the directions for hanging the blind.
The first words on the tightly rolled instruction sheet were:

~~ It looks like California is on the verge of legalizing
And you thought the haze over L.A. was bad before.

~~ A help-wanted ad on a bulletin board:
"Reliable, caring mom would like to take care of your child
while you work in my home."

~~ Pete decided one day to see if latino women were as
hot as rumoured...
so off he went to the big city to hit the Chili's restaurant,
he saw advertised.
He was excited as they said were having a sale on.........
"Virgin Margaritas"!!!!!

~~ A man walks into a bar and orders a beer.
While chatting with the bartender the man says:
"I have a method that will enable you to double the amount
of beer you sell every day."
"Really?!" says the bartender, "How?"
"Very simple........ Just pour full glasses."

~~ Several Engineers were sitting around trying to decide
which discipline God was - Civil, Mechanical, Electrical or
Chemical, as they all knew that he had to be one just based
on the design of the human body.
The Mechanical Engineers spoke up first, saying that
"look at the bone structure and the movement of the joints,
he must be an ME.
No, says the electrical, look at the nervous system and all the
electrical signals in the brain, he must be an EE.
The Chemical engineer piped up saying that they should
consider all the chemical reactions occurring in the body,
so he must be a Chem E.
Meanwhile the Civil engineer sat quietly.
So they all asked him which type of engineer God was.
He said it is obvious, God was a civil engineer, who else
would put a sewer right in the middle of a recreation area?

~~ Life insurance agent to would-be client Gus:
"Don't let me frighten you into a hasty decision.
Sleep on it tonight.
If you wake in the morning,.......
give me a call then and let me know."

Todays Thought:  Adolescence is the period when a teenager discovers that hard work takes all the fun out of earning money.

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