Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Good Morning, Friends........
Another Hot day....

Sun rize at Hummingbird Lane......
The Hummers are hot and heavy here....
They have been hitting the feeders hard..

But I hope I don't see these......

Guess who's waiting for breakfast??

This is cool.....

Quite playing around and fix it......

Good way to get stomped....

He's got the beat......

Yeah, I'm leaving too......
~~ Gus tells of the time his six-year-old grandson found a penny
and proudly showed it to his grandmother.

"What's so great about finding a penny?" She asked.
"You can't buy anything with it."
"Yes you can." he said.
"You can buy a dream in a wishing well."

~~ Pete was suffering from impotence, so he went to see a specialist.
The doctor gave him a prescription that he was to take faithfully three
times a day, and always with food.
A couple of days later, the man was at a formal banquet and didn't
want any of the other guests to spot and possibly identify his pink
and purple capsule of medication.
So, he instructed the waiter to empty the capsule into his soup,
thinking he could eat his soup openly with everyone else,
take his medication, and preserve his privacy all at the same time.
However, when the soup was served everyone received a bowl
of it but the man, who began feeling conspicuous and angry.
He confronted the waiter and asked why he hadn't been served his
'special' soup.
"Well sir, I poured your medication into your bowl as instructed.
Since then, I have been waiting for the noodles to lie down."

~~ Ruby watched her husband play tennis and told a friend.
"He's getting in shape.
He doesn't turn purple until the second set now!"

~~ We took our two small kids to the zoo for the day.
Instead of hauling a picnic lunch along with us, we decided
we'd eat at one of the popular chain restaurants located
in the zoo.
After a hot afternoon of carrying one child half the time and trying
to keep the other in the stroller,
we thought we'd done our duty, having seen every animal in
the place.
As we walked across the parking to the car,
we asked three-year-old Amber,
"Well, what did you like best about the zoo?"
"The fries," she replied.

~~ My kids have never been thrilled about naps,
but one day they were putting up more of a fuss than usual.
In the middle of the tantrums, a friend called.
"What's all the commotion?" she asked.
"Nothing," I said. "Just the siesta résistance."

~~ Groan......
A man walks into a bar with a little salamander-looking creature in his hand.
The barman looks at the creature and asks the man what he calls it.
"Tiny," replies the man.
"Why's that?" asks the bartender.
"Because he's my newt!"

~~ Doctors meeting
A group of psychiatrists were attending a convention.
Four of them decided to leave, and walked out together.
One said to the other three, "People are always coming to us
with their guilt and fears, but we have no one that we can
go to when we have problems."
The others agreed.
Then one said, "Since we are all professionals,
 why don't we take some time right now to hear each other out?"
The other three agreed.
The first then confessed,
"I have an uncontrollable desire to kill my patients."
The second psychiatrist said, "
I love expensive things and so I find ways to cheat my patients
out of their money whenever I can so I can buy the things I want."
The third followed with,
"I'm involved with selling drugs and often get my patients to
sell them for me."
The fourth psychiatrist then confessed,
"I know I'm not supposed to, but no matter how hard I try,
I can't keep a secret..."

~~ Football is a game in which eleven men spend hours trying
to move a small object a hundred yards.
It's the same as the post office!

~~ Baseball is designed to break your heart.
The game begins in spring, when everything else begins again,
and it blossoms in the summer,
filling the afternoons and evenings, and then as soon as the chill
rains come, it stops and leaves you to face the fall alone.

~~ TEACHER: What's the best way to pass the geometry test?
BUZZ: Knowing all the angles?

~~ A woman's car had stalled in the middle lane of one of the
city's busiest roads, and the traffic zoomed past her.
My mom pulled our car over to the side to see if there was
any way she could help.
"Oh, yes, please!" the woman said, "My car has stalled and I
can't get it to start again!"
Mom got into the passenger side, pushed the gearshift into park
and told the woman to try to start the car again.
"Thank you so much!" the woman said and drove off.
Mom was gratified to have helped someone in need -
until she realized she'd left her own car keys on the seat of the
woman's car.

Todays Thought:  "Be yourself because everyone else is taken!"


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