Sunday, May 2, 2010

# 925

Good Morning, Dear friends.....We're having a great weekend....
Hope you are too... Lets go to breakfast.....
Hey, Pete....that sausage gravy and biscuits,sure is good....
Hope you made out Okay?

Shut up and eat your breakfast......

Here's a couple more waiting for breakfast......
Mouse gravy and biscuits??

This one's family is having fresh fish for breakfast...

You been up all night dancing?
Go to bed!!

Got his coffee.....

This guy has talent......

Okay, but your missin breakfast....

Mad, because he did't get the gravy and biscuits.....

No cheese....that's extra........

Well, I got my seatbelt hooked and I'm going....
See you later....

~~ I was playing tooth fairy when my daughter, Ree, suddenly

woke up.
Seeing the money in my hand, she cried out, "I caught you!"
I froze and tried to think of an explanation for why I, instead of
the tooth fairy, was putting the money under her pillow but her
next words let me off the hook.
"You put that money back!" she said indignantly.
"The tooth fairy left that for me!"

~~ Bobbie: Did you know that women are smarter than men?
Gus: No, I didn't.
Bobbie: See what I mean?

~~ I drive a school bus to and from our rural school daily.
The students range in age from kindergarten to Grade 12, and in
attitude from excited to sullen.
So one afternoon, I was pleasantly surprised to receive a note from
the school secretary that read, "No Rude children on the bus tonight."
Imagine my disappointment when I realized the note was referring to
the two boys of the Rude family, not the whole busload.

~~ Adam bit the apple and, feeling great shame,
covered himself with a fig leaf.
Eve, too, felt shame and covered herself with a fig leaf.
Then she went behind the bush to try on a maple leaf, a sycamore,
and an oak.

~~ Sign displayed in a Texas restaurant:
"If the steak is too tough for you, get out.
This is no place for weaklings....

~~ Being diplomatic is telling your boss he has an open mind instead
of telling him he has a hole in his head.

~~ I usually deliver milk in little 8 ounce cartons to elementary schools.
But once I had to bring 64 ounce cartons to the cafeteria,
and two kindergartners saw them.
"Wow!" one said in an awed voice.
"Those must be for the sixth graders!"

~~ My grandfather had a stroke a few years ago, and since then he
hasn't been able to speak much.
Hospitalized after a recent heart attack, he was visited by his speech
As if talking to a child, she said, "All right, I'm going to put three items
in different places in the room, and I want you to tell me where I put them."
My grandfather answered, "The pen is on the table, the book is on the
bed and the glass is on the nightstand."
"Very good!" said the therapist in the same patronizing tone.
"I'll be back to see you again in two days."
As she reached the door, my grandfather added, "And your keys are
on the window ledge."

~~ While I was working security at a football game,
a fan spilled beer on a cheerleader's pom-poms.
As a favor, I rinsed them off in the men's room.
As I shook off the water, someone came out of a stall.
Stunned, he announced,
"That's the first time anyone's cheered me on while I was going to
the bathroom."

~~ PRINCIPAL: Now, Sylvia, did you really call your teacher a meany?
SYLVIA: Yes, I did.
PRINCIPAL: And is it true you called her a wicked old witch?
SYLVIA: Yes, it is.
PRINCIPAL: And did you call her a tomato-nosed beanbag?
SYLVIA: No, but I'll remember that one for next time!

Todays Thought:  As always, victory finds a hundred fathers but defeat is an orphan...


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love the pic of the Kingfisher. Really admire the patience that mustgo in to gettinga shot like this.
Rae x