Monday, June 1, 2009

Good Morning.....Friends and neighbours.....
Have a good weekend, did you?.

If the unknown soldier has a tomb, then what about the unknown washerwoman?
Here’s a whimsical art installation titled Monument to the Unknown Washerwoman
(2005) by Bulgarian artist Pravdoliub Ivanov ....

Damn....He didn't think it was funny......

A beer drinker?.....

New artist, he'll make a mint.....


Keep on you'll get swine flu................


Not for me...I'ant putting my hands anywere near that belt.......


Walking the dog ?


My Fav......Eno.



~~~ Sitting in his hospital bed, Gus was bragging about how he single-handedly took on a bear he met in the woods.
"So then, when I finally got my wrist firmly wedged between his teeth, I threw him down on top of me and started beating him senseless with my face.

~~~ Many cars often have one thing in common, they have a faulty nut on the steering wheel.

~~~ TEACHER: What are you looking for in the mud?
Gus: I heard it rained an inch and three quarters last night. I'm looking for the quarters.

~~~ Because she disliked her hearing aids, my mother-in-law seldom wore them.
One day she repeatedly interrupted my son, saying "What?" every few words.
Finally, I asked, "Gertrude, where are your hearing aids and why aren't you wearing them?" She replied that they were in the kitchen drawer.
My son opened the drawer, spotted the aids and at the top of his voice yelled into them, "Can you hear me now?"

~~~ Tell me, why is the virus that causes the common cold so difficult to find when it is so very easy to catch?

~~~ A customer walked into the pharmacy asking for a particular nasal spray.
"You know, that brand is very addicting," he warned her.
"If it's used for a prolonged period of time, your congestion can come back worse than before, prompting even further use."
"That's ridiculous," scoffed the woman.
"I've been using it every day for years."

~~~ After months of fruitless searching, I ran across a job in the want ads that I knew I was qualified for.
The posting read "Position may be filled by male or female only."

~~~ As I was driving over to let my brother's dog, Rufus, out, I suddenly realized I had left the key to his house at my parents' home, 50 miles away.
I stopped at a phone booth and called a locksmith.
He told me the conditions under which he'd do the job, one of which was to leave a note in the house that he wasn't responsible for any damages or missing property.
"No problem," I said, "but I don't think the note will be necessary.
The dog's a rottweiler."
"In that case," he said, "we'll unlock the door, but you'll be responsible for opening it."


~~~ Barbara: You remind me of a school closed for vacation.
Gus: How is that?
Barbara: You have no class.

~~~ "Doctor, doctor, I feel warm and out of breath!"
"You must have flu."
"No, I walked over."
Todays Thought: If married couples did not live together,
happy marriages would be more frequent.

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