Sunday, February 1, 2009

Good Morning.....Everyone ready for the Super Bowl?
Every one down there be careful.........

Well, I'm glad we don't ever get snow like this.......Wow.

All we got was some ice and a little snow......and thats alright by me....


With these big feet, I bet he's good to go in the snow......Carol sent me this picture...


These guys have been hanging out at my feeder....Them and the Jays....


He's a cute baby..........


Just wait until he grows up........


Another cutie.........




~~~ Gov. Rod Blagojevich was on television comparing himself to Gandhi, Nelson Mandela, and Martin Luther King.

I think he looks more like Skippy from “Family Ties.”


~~~ As a boy Jack Benny practiced faithfully on his violin each day.

One Saturday a dog passed by and started howling dolefully under the window.

His father shouted downstairs, "For pity's sake, Jack, can't you play some piece the dog doesn't know!"


~~~ My wife had just bought a five-year-old car.

The first time I drove it, I told her something seemed to be wrong with the suspension.

I parked the car and then proceeded to give it a "shock test."

I clasped one hand over the other, squared my shoulders, pushed down with all my weight on the corner and quickly released it to see if it bounced more than once.

I repeated this several times. A pedestrian standing behind me observed,...... "I doubt that even CPR could start that car."


~~~ Taking great pains to be specific, the new auto-shop teacher on our staff explained to three of his students that he wanted them to clean a car that was parked outside.

He gave them two extension cords, the vacuum cleaner, a bucket, rags and the car keys.
Later he went out and discovered them sitting in the car, feet up on the dashboard, listening to the stereo.

"Why aren't you vacuuming the car?" he asked.
"Because the extension cord wouldn't reach," was the reply.

Exasperated, the teacher stated, "That's why I gave you two."

"We tried the other one," a student said,................... "but it wouldn't reach either."


~~~ My wife and I were making our way back to our car in the packed shopping-center parking lot.

As we squeezed between cars, my wife pointed to a couple of baby car seats strapped in the backseat of one.

"Look, dear," she exclaimed, "this one comes with duel exhaustion!"


~~~ It is the habit of all men to fancy that in some inscrutable way their wives are the cause of all the evil in their lives.


~~~Two convicts are working on a chain gang.

"I heard the warden's daughter up and married a guy down on cellblock D," the first con says to the other.

"The warden's mighty upset about it too."
"Why?" asks the second prisoner.

"Because she married a con?"
"No. Because they eloped."




Todays Thoughts; Unemployment, recession, fuel costs, inflation, the only solution is for every American to buy a 2009 car and not drive it.

(¯`*•.(¯`*•.oOOo ( ^ . ^ ) oOOo.•*´¯).•*´¯)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good laughs today Gus! having anymore trouble on this site...Carol