Saturday, January 24, 2009

Good Morning...I just don't know whats going on with the weather...
Yesterday in the 60's after being in the 30's all week....
woke up this morning....48 degrees, now the temp. going back down.
Calling for cold...and wet all week..... Up-down-up-down....

I hope he didn't do a belly flop.......... First time I saw one swim.....

Hey! Did you see that dive?.....Funny as Hell......


You going after them chicken nuggets?...........

Not, If I can get to them nuggets first....................


Some good looking Chicken "nuggets"..... Tasty too, I bet...


Some guys just mess up a good thing.......

I can't help but lafe at ENO........he's da man.......
~~~ Pikabo Street, after winning her Olympic gold medal for skiing, received $1 million for product endorsements, but didn't keep one penny of it.
She gave it all to the hospital in her small home town, which lacked an Intensive Care Unit.
They were so grateful that they decided to name the new facility after Miss Street.
They are calling it the "Pikabo ICU".
~~~ The main trouble with mental notes is the ink fades so fast.
~~~ A Texan went to California.
As he walked around a garden, he picked up a watermelon.
"Are these the biggest cucumbers you raise?" asked the Texan.
"Put down that raisin," snapped the Californian.
~~~ A customer called our florist shop to order a bouquet.
"Make it bright and festive looking," she said.
"I want it to cheer up a friend.
She just lost her Seeing Eye dog."
~~~ My ten-year-old requested that I load my Rolling Stones tunes onto his iPod.
"I had no idea you liked the Stones," I said."
Sure, I like all that old-fashioned music," he said.
"What do you mean, 'old-fashioned music'?"
"You know, he said defensively.................
"Music from the 1900s."
~~~ When I asked a friend the secret to his 52 years of marriage, he replied, "We never go to sleep angry."
"That's a great philosophy," I noted.
"Yes. And the longest we've been awake so far is five days."
~~~ A drummer decides to learn how to play a "real" musical instrument.
He goes into a music store and says, "I'll take that red trumpet and that accordion."
The store clerk replies, "Okay, you can have the fire extinguisher but the radiator's got to stay.
A small boy is woken by a huge crash of thunder.
He runs into his parents' room, where his father comforts him.
"Don't be afraid of the thunder," he says.
"It's just a noise that God makes when someone tells a lie."
But why is it thundering now?" asks the boy.
"It's the middle of the night and everyone is asleep. "
I know," replies the father.
"But it's around this time that they start to print the newspapers."
Todays thought: Time is like money and milk, It's always running out


Anonymous said...

You late this morning....I was expecting the post to be like 3:23 AM....Thats when I smelled coffee coming from up your way...

Anonymous said...

No..Don't do that any more...I try for time is flexable tho....