Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Good Morning...old Friends and young lovers...


Flight 35...Ducky.....cleared for landing...pond 5.....

Motel 10 ??

Let's have a good walk......

I know her mechanic... he works on my truck....

He would stare you down......he reminds me of someone.....

Of course we gotta have an old barn.....neat....huh?


Before I took the old family car to college, my father loaded the trunk with soft-drink bottles filled with oil, coolant and transmission fluid.

Sure enough, my car overheated.

Scolding myself for not listening to my father's instructions, I looked at the engine and saw how well he knew me.

The oil cap was labeled Dr Pepper, the transmission stick, Coke, and the empty coolant container, Diet Pepsi.

I finished the trip safely.


One day shortly after the birth of his son (in June 1988), Billy Idol told his manager and long time girlfriend Perri Lister that he was calling a friend to go for a motorcycle ride.

Leaving her by the pool, he went inside and called one of his many other girlfriends.

When he returned to the pool, Lister flew into a rage.

Idol, clearly astonished, asked her why she thought he was cheating.

By way of reply, she pointed to...the baby monitor!


Pay attention everyone this could make you rich....

I just received this from my broker friend.

I don't normally pass on stock tips, but thought this explosive situation might prove to be another "Enron".

Please review any holdings you might have in the following stocks: American Can Interstate Water National Gas Co. Northern Tissue Co.

Due to uncertain market conditions, we advise you to sit tight on your American Can, hold your Water, and let go of your Gas.

You may also be interested to know that Northern Tissue touched a new bottom today, and millions were wiped clean.


Have you ever noticed that when you ask how far it is to a certain place, country folk answer you in miles and city folk answer you in minutes?


10% of road accidents are due to drunken driving.

Which makes it a logical statement that 90% of accidents are due to driving without drinking!

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